Example sentences of "put to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 No nation in Europe , had the question been fairly put to them , would have answered that they wished war . ’
2 ‘ What a funny old election this is , at which the political parties argue about taxation and legislation but declare all the time that they intend the electors of this country to have no further control over the very questions that are being put to them . ’
3 They also give the firm impression of responding to virtually any request for additional funding for further agricultural supports put to them , without assessing the impact of what could be involved .
4 Volunteers kept diaries , answered regular questionnaires , and generally responded to points put to them by the directors of the study , Tom Harrisson and Charles Madge .
5 There were several questions I would have liked to have put to them , but had I done so I would have altered the environment for them and made them hyper-conscious of their limitations .
6 Leaving aside any suspicion that people might tend to agree with any suggestion put to them that they should have more information , how helpful can this information be in practice ?
7 We have put to them the intimate questions teachers and parents are too afraid to ask .
8 The route the Phillips had been asked to consider had already been put to them three times and was the same as the existing one , he said .
9 An efficiently organised reception office should always have an up-to-date set of reference books in order to be able to answer the innumerable and varied questions that could be put to them by the guests .
10 The committee declined to accept the view put to them by the Joint Permanent Secretary to the Treasury that tribunals ought to be regarded as part of the machinery of public administration for which the Government should retain a close and continuing responsibility .
11 The panel technique is where a number of people are asked to serve on a panel and to give their views on questions put to them .
12 When it was put to them that they were taking jobs away from men , many working-class women were prepared to agree that this was " not fair " .
13 How is it possible , in a democracy , for a committee of the House of Commons ( the elected representatives of the people ) to find itself prevented from interviewing civil servants when it wishes to do so , or faced with witnesses who refuse to answer questions that are put to them , as was the case when the Commons Select Committee on Defence attempted to investigate the Westland affair in 1986 ?
14 Unfortunately , not enough thought is put into this area and many editors complain about the lack of creativity displayed in the ideas put to them .
15 ( 4 ) A specific immunity , possessed by accused persons undergoing trial , from being compelled to give evidence , and from being compelled to answer questions put to them in the dock .
16 ( 4 ) A specific immunity , possessed by accused persons undergoing trial , from being compelled to give evidence , and from being compelled to answer questions put to them in the dock .
17 b. those who are specifically at risk from addictive disease will believe the evidence put to them on film or by teachers and adjust their behaviour accordingly .
18 He enclosed a paper of questions to be put to them if any such were located and clearly this request was responsible for a report Sir Daniel had compiled on his own account about the Coniston mines that same year .
19 At a meeting with the Banks on 26th March this case was forcibly put to them .
20 So my answer to the question A is , I am not against a new settlement , of the right scale in the right location , but it is not a panacea , it is not an answer to all the questions , now it 's being offered in terms of a balanced strategy , I say that balanced strategy as put forward does not work , certainly beyond two thousand and six , and may grind to a halt well before two thousand and six if rates of development proceed er as they have done in certain years in the past , so it 's very important to look at that , can we just revisit the public acceptance of the new settlement , of course the public have accepted it and welcomed it , it has certain attractions , I support those attractions , however it 's easy for the public to accept that when measured against certain sites specific proposals that were put to them when they did not know where the new settlement would be , and still do not know , when new settlement locations are put forward it will be quite a different scenario .
21 In order to consider the proposal put to them by the management , the prospective providers of equity finance , and/or the providers of debt , and indeed the management in a management buy-in , will wish to see as much information as possible about the target .
22 Our command ? no , because it 's not been put to them yet
23 Dostoevsky also calls him his ‘ real hero ’ and his ‘ new hero ’ , and I think he might not object to ‘ antihero ’ if the suggestion were put to him .
24 They said he answered some of their questions sarcastically and spoke in Russian , even though he is bilingual and the questions had been put to him in Moldavian .
25 He then answered the many penetrating questions put to him .
26 In one regrettable case , which I myself witnessed , it had become an established sport in the house for guests to ring for the butler and put to him random questions of the order of , say , who had won the Derby in such and such a year , rather as one might to a Memory Man at the music hall .
27 At the time of his ascension , how does Jesus respond to the question put to him by his disciples , ‘ Lord , will you at this time give the Kingdom back to Israel ? ’
28 No , he said , he was just disagreeing with a view put to him by the interviewer — just as Lady Thatcher herself would have disagreed with it .
29 When the national selectors ' viewpoint was put to him , Watt took up the challenge : ‘ I was happy to give it a real bash .
30 If it were again put to him that he could n't conceivably experience the Sun in the sky on the Sun , he might , even more implausibly , say : ‘ That is why I said ‘ suppose ’ .
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