Example sentences of "hard [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 When you are young and still living within the family it is often hard to acknowledge that you are sexually active and need to take some precautions .
2 But the jamboree could well turn into one of those parties where half the guests fail to turn up , and everyone else tries terribly hard to pretend that they are having a marvellous time .
3 No — the government will find it hard to sustain that again , when there has been no army in the field against them — no pitched battles — no weapons , even .
4 It is not hard to see that in Homage to Sextus Propertius Pound is centrally concerned with just this question , and is defending his own scale of priorities against Hewlett 's or Newbolt 's .
5 She was much too busy darting glances at Alain and then at Jenna and it was not hard to see that she had detected a certain restraint in the atmosphere .
6 But it will be hard to accept that these people are serious about democracy — or can do much more to further its cause — so long as they stay in the same party as democracy-haters .
7 It was desperately hard to accept that this serene man , so calm , so dignified , such a majestic cricketer , could have been taken in this way .
8 It 's hard to accept that the people we care for may not feel the same way about us .
9 Some people find it hard to accept that Jesus would utter such a cry of despair .
10 Gertrude Joyce , at least , found it hard to accept that she was a foreigner in the town where she had been born and she had lived until she was over twenty-five years old .
11 But I find it hard to accept that all our land should be so buttoned up , and that we should allow ourselves the arrogant and indulgent belief — against every lesson in history — that we can run things better than nature .
12 First , it is hard to accept that the subsequent payments figure reflects what the organization ‘ cost ’ to run during the year .
13 For one thing , he found it hard to accept that anyone who lacked the advantage of being American could pose much of a threat , and for another , he needed every scrap of material he could get from any quarter , even the newspapers , to sustain the nonstop barrage of reports he was firing into headquarters .
14 While one can not always rely on Taskopruzade for precision in regard to dates , nor for that matter even in regard to the reigns in which various events occurred , as has been seen , it is hard to accept that he is in error by some twenty or twenty-five years , especially in a period close enough to his own to allow him access to people who had lived in that period .
15 She knew that he had been Eddie 's best friend — that was why she 'd always found it so hard to accept that he could have deliberately driven her brother off the track .
16 ‘ Why is it so hard to accept that I could feel all that too ? ’
17 It is obvious that a horse will run from a stick , spurs or fear of the rider , but it is hard to accept that he will try to pull on the bit if that very action increases the pain .
18 It was hard to remember that God had made them , too , and that He begged for leniency for them .
19 These questions are so plainly hard to answer that it is worth pausing to consider why they have not had more effect on the development of International Relations theories .
20 It is hard to imagine that there were once almost 600 Sulzer-engined Bo-Bo locomotives in the 1,160–1,250hp range , because a mere thirty-two survived at the end of 1989 .
21 When we read in the Roslavl' files that twenty-three agitator brigades were dispatched to villages in order to celebrate international Women 's Day , it is hard to imagine that they ever came across our peasant woman from Struga , and even more difficult to believe that they would have much impact on her ways of thinking even if they did .
22 It is hard to imagine that it was the cause of much sadness .
23 It was hard to imagine that giants had ever made Møn their home .
24 From past experience with UK rules that allow ‘ discretion ’ , it is not very hard to imagine that the practice might bear little resemblance to the ‘ aim ’ of the policy .
25 It is hard to imagine that a term like ‘ daddy 's girls ’ can be applied with fairness , let alone exactitude .
26 Down in the corrie , two sparkling blue-green lochans perch beneath the steep cliffs , and it 's hard to imagine that just over the next two gullies , people in golf jumpers are tucking into sticky buns .
27 It has now been restored to a superb family home by the present Lord and Lady Feversham and it is hard to imagine that only a few years ago the house was little more than an empty , echoing shell .
28 Sir , — It is hard to imagine that the Chief Whip of the Conservative Party could ever write such a disgraceful letter to the national media ( March 13th ) .
29 It is hard to imagine that not so very long ago there were no words for sellotape , instant-mix , deep-freeze , TV , drip-dry , silicon chip or jet-lag .
30 ’ 'T IS hard to imagine that she and the duke … ’
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