Example sentences of "put on [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Go and put on something beautiful , ’ he said at seven , after he had had two overt vodkas , and poured , as was his habit , a single , large , secret one , and had taken her to bed .
2 Her voice blew away the cobwebs and I put on something respectable to cross the road ; she sounded like a child going to a party .
3 Fo to make sh little nappies for the baby that was just been born and no clothes ready or fo and I 've I 've seen her you know as poor as we were my mam would sit there was patching sheets and er but I 've seen them whipped off the bed and put on somebody 's bed while they were having a baby or whatever .
4 Rid yourself of the outmoded fear that pasta , potatoes and rice per se are bad for you : remember it 's the butter , bolognese and piles of cheese you put on them that does the damage .
5 Perhaps I should mention now I mean I I I 'm not fill in questionnaire 's but it would it would be helpful if you actually did erm fill in that before you actually leave this evening and leave it on the on the table on the way out if that 's possible I think that , that information which you put on them would be useful .
6 No , that 's what they put on them now .
7 Tell me what you want put on them though .
8 Well they do , several of our players have erm had seven day notices put on them , but fortunately , only one has left , so erm I think that speaks erm quite a lot for the erm players and for myself and the job we 're doing .
9 That , that 's the one you have to remember which one you put on which , that was the left on top of the right , now the right on top of the left yes , come on
10 When the light and warmth of the fire had given way to smoke , they put on their shoes and wandered homeward through the silent village and the frosty starlit night .
11 The girls just pick the flowers and twist them into the circlets they put on their heads .
12 How do the children react to having these plasters put on their feet ?
13 Froggy , they put on their postcards to her , rocked with laughter at the thought of her eating horse steaks and snails .
14 Well listen , is it is it just hairpieces that look funny you 've got something against , or have you got something against all sorts of things that men put on their heads ?
15 Erm Do you know I 've just wo wondered if I put on their Christmas card .
16 eventually they went bankrupt , Florrie is an of mine , she used to work there part time and she always enjoyed it , she 's been there say twenty years , she just came back from holiday and found the place is closed down and none of for the past er fifteen months he 'd been there , that past fifteen months none of their part time staff had their stamps put on their cards , so for their , for their pension
17 Anyway , they , they put on their window er
18 Do people sort of artificially put on their best behaviour , as it were , or something like that , and thereby give a sort of rather distorted impression as to what 's really going on .
19 She found a pair of stockings , passed her hand through to check for runs , discovered a small one near the heel and dabbed it with the bar of soap to hold it ; put on her two-tone coffee and cream high-heel shoes , then looking close in the mirror , applied some eyeliner with the flick of a tail in the corner and painted pale lipstick on her mouth .
20 Put on her best frock .
21 Put on me overalls .
22 oh I put the date due is on , put , write on the card for ya , I says oh just put on me , I 'll be dealing with , oh he says
23 I 've called back into his mind the spells I put on him at his birth .
24 And it had on painted hose of black and white , so cunningly painted that no man who saw them would have thought but that they were grieves and cuishes , unless he had laid his hand upon them ; and they put on it a surcoat of green sendal , having his arms blazoned thereon , and a helmet of parchment , which was cunningly painted that every one might have believed it to be iron ; and his shield was hung round his neck , and they placed the sword Tizona in his hand , and they raised his arm , and fastened it up so subtilly that it was a marvel to see how upright he held the sword .
25 A weekly face-pack , or mask as they are often called , can be applied to the face and neck after ordinary cleansing , or better still , after an aromatic bath or facial steam while the skin is still moist and warm and therefore , more receptive to whatever you put on it .
26 Like pasta , it is what you put on it that makes the difference .
27 I ca n't remember what was the name they put on it .
28 Yet skin is a functioning organ affected by environmental changes , and what we put on it in summer often hinders rather than helps .
29 And dried fruit , tropical fruit , eight percent when it 's fresh or dry , but if people , if Third World countries prepare it into fruit juices , then it 's twenty three percent tariff that they put on it .
30 explanation and conditions we put on it , to say what we are and are n't going to do , the better .
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