Example sentences of "recent [noun pl] [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 Even in more recent times there have been calls to make nationalized industries , through their audit reports , more accountable to Parliament .
2 Since the 16th century legislation has established an inquisitorial form of investigation into the dealings and assets of bankrupts which is calculated to yield potentially incriminating material , and in more recent times there have been many other examples , in widely separated fields , which are probably more numerous than is generally appreciated .
3 Although Prime Ministers may from time to time use words which suggest that they are not unwilling to exercise their power of appointment , in recent times there is no direct evidence that they have done so .
4 In more recent times there have been numerous entries from Eastern Europe , including a pair of Russian runners in 1961 — Reljef and Grifel .
5 Until recent times there were no true cats or dogs in Australia or the New World ( pumas and jaguars are recently evolved from Old World cats ) .
6 In recent months there has been a lively debate — much of it behind the scenes — into how the hospitality industry can speak more effectively to Government .
7 This section is mainly concerned with the initial stages of rising capital for Eurotunnel but in recent months there have been growing doubts about the financial viability of the project .
8 In recent months there had been numerous incidents , in Armenia and the disputed Nagorny Karabakh enclave within Armenia , in which Armenian militants ambushed troops and raided police stations to capture weapons [ for worst such incident , in Yerevan in May , see p. 37462 ] .
9 In recent decades there have been substantial changes in the family and household experiences of people in Britain , especially in the 1980s .
10 In recent decades there has , however , been more and more chafing at this privileged position .
11 In recent days there 's been increasing evidence that the European countries , including Britain , are extremely disturbed about this .
12 In recent weeks there has been a war of claim and counter-claim between the board and the inspectorate about how far some of the key issues , such as fuel clad ballooning , the integrity of the steam generator and the reactor 's protection , have been resolved .
13 In recent years there has been considerable discussion of the role of the Sovereign in the eventuality of a hung Parliament , such as that of 1929–31 , and the general conclusion has been that her role is essentially a passive one .
14 In recent years there have certainly been dramatic moves to open sport up to the forces of the market .
15 Which is not to say that popular humour in the States is particularly nice : in recent years there has been a great demand for in-your-face racist , ethnic and misogynist stuff , as typified on the respectable side by Jackie Mason and on the unholy by Andrew Dice Clay .
16 Many fashions such as the kipper tie and the string tie have come and gone , and in recent years there has been an upsurge in the popularity of vivid colours and flamboyant designs .
17 In recent years there had been a considerable increase in the revenue derived from tourism .
18 In recent years there has been a move in UK schools to standardise scientific nomenclature , and to phase out imperial measurements in favour of metric ones .
19 Ciba-Geigy runs company management courses and in recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of women in these courses .
20 In recent years there has been a great increase in the use of active compounds .
21 And of course in recent years there has been yet another pressure to move away from Brian Way 's methods .
22 MI6 remains to this day a secret organisation that does not officially exist despite the fact that in recent years there have been numerous books written about its activities .
23 In recent years there has been an explosion in the growth of business travel .
24 In recent years there has also been an increasing trend towards imports of products rather than crude oil which has not helped the domestic oil industry .
25 In recent years there have been very large increases in the number of new publications appearing on the market .
26 In recent years there has been more emphasis on the objectives of library services , and less upon quantitative measures .
27 In recent years there has been a strong demand for the Galloway from Germany , especially for low-cost meat production on upland heaths and lowland swamps where the typical German dual-purpose breeds need to be brought inside for the winter and need better grazing .
28 In the main it causes few problems , but in recent years there has been a rise in cases that cause conflict for the advice worker .
29 Over recent years there has been increasing interest in these widely distributed and biologically important compounds , and their importance in platelet biochemistry and platelet-vessel wall interactions has been emphasised .
30 In recent years there has been a tremendous drive to keep elderly persons in their own homes for as long as possible , by giving close support to relatives and friends and by providing support from community services such as home helps and ‘ meals-on-wheels ’ .
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