Example sentences of "herself [subord] she " in BNC.

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1 She had felt fortunate in being able to please herself where she lived .
2 She had n't even known herself where she would be staying until she had walked out of the station the day before and asked a taxi-driver to take her somewhere clean and as cheap as possible .
3 Instead , feeling as though with each step she took she was treading on her dreams , destroying them forever , she followed him mutely back to the sofa and seated herself where she had been before .
4 For he 'd known she would n't go , that he was perfectly safe , that she was not the type to impose herself where she knew she was n't wanted .
5 I grinned then , I recall , and brought the stunter down fast and acute across the weeds and the water , the sand and the surf , scudding it in across the wind to jerk and zoom just before it hit the girl herself where she sat on the dune top holding and spasmodically jerking the string she held in her hand , connected to the sky .
6 He was making her think more deeply about herself than she had ever done .
7 She manoeuvred herself so she was crouched between him and the rocks , and taking his long hard knob by the root she began waving it under her nose like a conductor 's baton .
8 She took me up to see her room , which she had to herself until she was joined by another-middle aged woman without children .
9 She lowered herself until she was crouched above his thighs ; slipping her hand between her legs she manoeuvred the tip of his cue into the moist entrance of her sensuous channel .
10 Millimetre by millimetre , she impaled herself until she had all of that throbbing stallion inside her .
11 She enjoys herself cos she chases around all the beds does n't she there and
12 ‘ She 'd rather fix it herself if she can , sir , I do know that .
13 Yesterday the Merseyside Police Federation Chairman , George Crichton , said that PC Harrison would have been better able to defend herself if she had been armed with an American-style side handled baton .
14 He felt her cheeks run wet with tears , then heard her breaths shorten as he entered her ; then fully , masterfully , possessed her body , so that she could no longer free herself if she would .
15 Every Benedict 's nurse was warned of the consequences to herself if she were fool enough to let herself get emotionally involved with a male patient , before she left the P.T.S. Briefly , it was the quickest way out .
16 She was foolishly irritated by the lack of warmth and the slowness of the coals to light and all the time she was asking herself if she was completely mad harbouring an escaped criminal in her kitchen .
17 Yet she would n't be able to live with herself if she informed on Papa .
18 But at least he is here , she thought , and wondered if she would really have tried to get into the Workshops by herself if she had had to .
19 Rachaela sat on the chintz chair , and asked herself if she felt anything , any pang .
20 Nenna would have felt better pleased with herself if she had resembled her elder daughter .
21 She would even worry about his mother herself if she stayed alone , so how much more would Alain worry ?
22 She wanted to turn tail and run , but she could n't have stood herself if she appeared such a coward .
23 ‘ Susan would never have killed herself if she had n't had such easy access to a gun . ’
24 It 's about time she had the courage to do it , herself if she 's in a strop .
25 She can go by herself if she wants to .
26 A woman has no business tampering with men 's affairs , making a spectacle of herself because she 's not got the sense to keep quiet and listen to her solid respectable betters .
27 I suppose she killed herself because she felt so guilty . ’
28 A TRAGIC pensioner hanged herself because she could no longer cope with the pain of her illness , an inquest heard yesterday .
29 She kept the card to herself because she knew others would not understand .
30 Only nothing happened the next day and Chesarynth knew she was right not to trust herself because she could n't tell waking from dreams of an endless corridor with people whispering about her behind locked doors .
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