Example sentences of "parents who [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yet parents who smack their children are far more common than those who do not .
2 The father of a six-week old baby told Valerie Yule , ‘ We know other parents who smack their babies to keep them quiet .
3 Perhaps you are one of those parents who await their child 's approaching puberty with apprehension .
4 Parents who grew up in the sixties , when the cult of the teenager first took hold , may still look and feel young and be unready to acknowledge that their children are growing up .
5 My request was dismissed with some amusement by my parents who added that I should have more sense than to believe in all that mumbo-jumbo .
6 There undoubtedly are cases of parents who exaggerate their child 's ills , and who are determined to blame them on some physical cause , when family .
7 There are many parents who remain in good health both mentally and physically to the day of their death , even if their physical strength is reduced , and it becomes no longer desirable for them to live alone ; and there are many daughters who share their homes in an atmosphere of personal freedom , happiness and fulfilment , enjoying their companionship right to the end .
8 Although Massachusetts , like many states , had a statute which absolved parents who treated their children by spiritual healing from charges of abuse or neglect , the prosecution successfully argued that the statute did not apply in cases where death or serious injury resulted from such action .
9 This is particularly difficult in view of the fact that it is just their children who are probably far more in need of that grace of God just because of the attitude of their parents , than those of parents who measure up to all the standards that we impose .
10 I suspect that they also had scholarly and dedicated teachers and well read ministers and the encouragement of parents who realised that the only chance their children had of improving their way of life was by having the best education possible which would enable them to compete for the limited number of places which were available in the colleges and universities .
11 And I care not what may be the motive of the parents who bring their children and want them offered to Christ in the sacrament of baptism it is the grace of God that is available for them there and I think we should be very thoughtful about these matters and try to take up either one position or the other .
12 No such efforts had been made for the children who preferred to be white or by those parents who brought up their children ‘ entirely white ’ .
13 This view is hedged about with reservations — and indeed few parents who know both their children 's capacities and their teachers ' helpfulness will expect schools to be measured entirely in this way .
14 There will be thousands of separated parents who wake up on Christmas morning without their children .
15 And these final comments , addressed over the child 's death , seem to justify themselves in the sense that the playwright is speaking not only from experience , but for all the parents who dread that this might happen to them .
16 In another move to improve services for parents , principal child protection officer Evelyn Joseph is helping local voluntary organisations set up an advocacy project for black parents who come into contact with the child protection team .
17 The ‘ kinship defenders ’ see the natural parents who come into contact with statutory agencies as being in a relatively weak position , with their rights severely eroded by various legal provisions , most recently the 1975 Act which strengthened the powers of both local authorities and foster-parents to an unacceptable degree .
18 Erm this whole problem does give ministers erm a great deal of tension and heart searching erm and er we 're in the throws of , of , of looking for a leaflet that 's gon na help ministers faced with er parents who come and have to be turned away because we feel embarrassed , we feel erm the weight of our , our turning away people and our inability to minister the grace of God to them , although I 'd of thought gravity of but er anyway erm er but we have this problem and erm it seems to me that one way out of it is to pick up on what our brother from the Church of England said and look at new rites , and new ways in which we can open our arms to a public out there which is desperately in need of rites of passage .
19 Erm and er what I would like to see , and I 've long wanted to see this coming out of the church , is a rite of passage that I with integrity can offer to any parents who come to me with a , a , a lovely little baby in their arms saying to me parish minister can you give us something that would satisfy us , and they 're not saying it like this , but they want a rite of passage .
20 For example : You see like , the parents who come over from the West Indies , they try and teach their children this attitude " you 're English , you was born here , so you must talk the right and proper way , so you must n't talk like that " , but then after a time , as you get older , they do n't really worry about it too much .
21 Naturally , there were many exceptions to this dark picture — parents who doted on their children , and who played with them ; they were a minority , for most of the upper and middle classes rarely had their children at home .
22 Parents who requested places on a Kindertransport were warned that orthodox foster homes were not on offer and were asked if they objected to Christian hospitality .
23 Parents who make demands which are regarded as excessive are resented by their children ( even if they actually meet some of those demands ) , as are those who engage in emotional manipulation or divide the sibling group against each other ( Firth , Hubert and Forge , 1970 , ch. 12 ) .
24 Cunningham ( 1982 ) reports that if parents decide to give up the baby permanently , it is ‘ for the parents who make it , the right decision , .
25 This book is geared more to those parents who take a major part of the responsibility for the games and are just using the entertainer to bring an additional dimension to the party .
26 Occasionally one comes across parents who take the opposite line , who show no interest at all in their children , and these of course are far worse than the doting ones .
27 So today it was lessons at home for some of the class provided by parents who 'd had to take time off work .
28 Parents who questioned what appears to be an unwritten regulation have been told in each case that they are the only ones not co-operating …
29 Transport is provided for those parents who require it , either by the caretaker using the school 's mini-bus or by the part-time school social worker .
30 This uncertainty is prone to be interpreted as " woolliness " by parents who prefer to trade in certitude " ( Briault and West 1990:21 ) .
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