Example sentences of "about by a " in BNC.

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1 Therefore , it needs to be rapidly regenerated if exercise is to continue , and this regeneration is brought about by a substance called Creatine Phosphate ( C.P. ) .
2 The plant — hospitals , equipment , surgeries — being state-owned and state-administered , those changes do not come about by a gradual process made up of an infinite number of individual decisions : they happen in lurches , of which the most visible form is not the provision of new plant but the discontinuance of old plant .
3 Sir Adrian attributes the moral decline largely to pressure brought about by a faster-pace world , particularly in the City where salary levels have become inflated beyond all recognition and where greed can easily take precedence over ethical practice .
4 The elm paddles of the iron wheel were renewed and the mechanism was modified to operate on the ‘ undershot ’ principle because a lowering of water levels brought about by a local flood alleviation scheme made impracticable the restoration of the original ‘ breast-shot ’ arrangement .
5 This reflex is brought about by a very simple neural mechanism .
6 This is brought about by a third type of neurone , which forms synapses close to the synaptic terminals of the sensory cells .
7 Its conically-roofed tower , hugged about by a brood of smaller roofs shaped like candle snuffers , is visible for miles .
8 Northampton 's return to challenging for top honours was brought about by a complete overhaul of the club 's structure both on and off the field .
9 Towards the end of the nineteenth-century there was general unrest in Italy , a situation brought about by a number of oddly conflicting factors .
10 At least 300,000 people died in Syria and Mount Lebanon in this man-made famine brought about by a war of outside powers .
11 A falling birth-rate is brought about by a large number of changes in society .
12 He may have to put up with being ordered about by a big brother or sister anxious to exert their authority .
13 But tossed about by a cruel world , Iris is not the sort of girl who quietly puts up with her destiny — just as the flower beneath which she reads for a moment , while a woman 's revenge wreaks horrible havoc in the final minutes , is not just an ordinary cactus .
14 A change in this situation can only be brought about by a change in attitude throughout the profession .
15 There is first a movement inward by which , instead of living in our surface mind , we break the wall between our external and our subliminal self ; this can be brought about by a gradual effort and discipline or by a vehement transition , sometimes a forceful involuntary rupture — the latter by no means safe for the limited human mind and accustomed to live securely only within its normal limit — but in either way , safe or unsafe , the thing can be done .
16 Jealousy is often brought about by a feeling of lack : lack of love ; lack of understanding from others ; lack of career advancement ; lack of money ; lack of opportunity - we could go on indefinitely .
17 The should arise because of the lack of any compulsion to labour , brought about by a huge increase in productivity coupled with the transformation of labour into a free spontaneous activity .
18 The numerous wells at the port of Hamwic , Saxon Southampton , may have been encouraged by the high density of population , but the wells on farms like Odell , Bedfordshire , may imply an awareness of the risks from polluted water brought about by a growing population , or even the need to extend settlement onto good soils which were not close to water .
19 Anglo-Saxon glass displays a variety of colours , especially brown , ochre , yellow , blue and green , which are probably brought about by a lack of control of the furnace conditions rather than by deliberate colouring .
20 Equally , Lyell has the long succession of faunas and floras brought about by a continual , one-by-one extinction of species and their replacement by new ones .
21 By contrast Marx and Engels saw the proletariat 's mission as breaking down the restrictions of capitalism which held back the full development of technology ; and they rejected as utopian any form of transition to socialism which was not brought about by a genuine ( and almost certainly violent ) social revolution .
22 Very likely there was a general cut in wages brought about by a combination of causes , not the least of which was the loss of an employer who may very well have paid premium rates in order to attract and retain labour ; in any case the living standards of the cloth workers had fallen sharply by 1524 , and with them those of the farm labourers of the other villages in the district .
23 For Comte the fundamental law of human evolution consists in the ‘ growing ascendancy of our humanity over our animality , brought about by a double process , namely the increase of power of the intellect over the instincts and of the other-regarding instincts over the self-regarding ’ .
24 This can only have come about by a high level decision on the military products and supplies .
25 This decentralization of the British population out of the cities has been brought about by a number of factors .
26 In the following extract ( 13 ) , there is another example of a mismatch between speakers ' topics , brought about by a misunderstanding of the intended meaning of a particular word .
27 This , he feels , can only come about by a return to the basic function of inspection .
28 Such a transfer could and would only be brought about by a bourgeois-democratic revolution .
29 Its final decline was brought about by a change in the public attitude to death .
30 A statutory right of rescission of a transaction brought about by a breach of section 47 was not , therefore , necessary .
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