Example sentences of "similar to [det] " in BNC.

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1 Similar to all lower-division clubs , Darlington have problems .
2 Her view reflected a time when mustard was enjoying a vogue similar to that enjoyed by flavoured vinegars a few years ago .
3 In a game similar to that devised for the radio show Desert Island Discs , we listed those who would get one bullet from a six-gun , and placed them in order of preference , much in the way the FBI listed the top wanted men in the USA .
4 This suggests the hypothesis that one of the features of autism is a lack of central control of thinking similar to that found in very young normal children .
5 In the mid 1970s there was an abortive attempt to develop a new way of managing the industry in the Territories Plan ( which would have given a structure very similar to that developed in Germany in much earlier years and still in use both on DB and DR ) , but this failed largely on account of union opposition .
6 Dorabella 's playfulness is similar to that of Natalia 's ward , Vera , when she first dances in A Month in the Country , .
7 They should also be given permission to issue some form of fixed interest profit-related bond , be allowed to raise a proportion of their equity direct from the public and be subject to independent regulation similar to that of privatised utilities .
8 Separate schools for children of different religions would lead to segregation and sectarian conflict similar to that in Northern Ireland , Mr Fletcher said .
9 Mrs Thatcher and Mr Lawson tell us that government policy is the last of these : Britain will become a full member of the EMS when France and Italy abolish exchange controls and when our inflation rate is similar to that of other EMS members .
10 To determine the most appropriate international marketing strategy , products could be plotted on a chart similar to that below .
11 To sum up , in 1922 the Soviet government found itself in a situation similar to that of the late Tsarist regime , which in its final years had grasped the connection between literacy and modernization and between formal schoolwork and social control .
12 It is convenient to relate the three meetings in terms of a diagram similar to that used by Eliot in his paper .
13 The cinema lulls such working men into an apathy similar to that shown towards art by the bourgeoisie and upper classes , Eliot argues .
14 Here is a valorization of the different/same binary similar to that already encountered in Gallop , Scruton , Mailer , and others .
15 The idea remains alive today , of course ; I have already referred to Kaja Silverman 's observation that the notion of sexual identity as an original androgynous whole , similar to that projected by Aristophanes , is central to the psychoanalytic theories of Jacques Lacan .
16 The children under eleven I spoke to almost invariably had a sense of inferiority similar to that of a colonised people .
17 In addition , many components of jet-lag — altered sleep , fatigue , loss of appetite , changed bowel movements — are found , and the rate of adjustment of the body rhythms to a simulated time-zone transition is similar to that observed after real transitions .
18 JIM McDONNELL will return to boxing in the new year with determination similar to that he showed against Azumah Nelson in their world title fight last Sunday .
19 The inspection is similar to that carried out for the Structural Survey , however because the report is in a standard format , the information conveyed is more concise and limited in order to identify the more important defects , bearing in mind the property 's type and age .
20 The need for such protection for friendly dolphins is evident in the stories of Opo and Nina , who both suffered fates similar to that of the Hippo dolphin .
21 If airlines can fly wherever and whenever they want to after the EC 's liberalisation of aviation , experience will be similar to that of the United States , where empirical work suggests the market is ‘ imperfectly contestable ’ .
22 In a way , its function was similar to that of a Japanese main bank or of Pierpont Morgan in his prime .
23 Formally , the process was similar to that in America .
24 The ideas of morality are modes too , and Locke thinks that with proper application we could develop a systematic science of ethics similar to that of mathematics and geometry .
25 Scientific examination has shown that they are made of bronze similar to that used in genuine Italic figures from Italy and the patination appears to have developed over a long period , suggesting that they are not modern copies .
26 One answer could be that , where the damage is caused by fire , the consequent danger to life may be similar to that created by an explosion , and the inferences may be the same : who could cause such a fire in such a place without appreciating the danger to others ?
27 The conduct element in this offence is similar to that for the more serious offence under section 18 , and the meanings of ‘ wound ’ and ‘ grievous bodily harm ’ are no different .
28 Eating during the first week will be very similar to that on baseline days during the preparation phase ( because only the first goals in the lists will be introduced ) .
29 In the tenth and early eleventh centuries , bishops developed a sacral image similar to that of kings and very closely associated with theirs .
30 This line of reasoning suggests that in Britain coin use was not generally similar to that in the Mediterranean world of the monetised economy , and that many Romano-British communities retained their pre-Roman ‘ embedded ’ economies which were not monetised but depended instead on social and hierarchical relations of redistribution and obligation .
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