Example sentences of "changes that were " in BNC.

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1 The changes that were made for the Oval game took the number of England players used in the series to twenty-three and , as Cowdrey had to withdraw with a bruised foot , Graham Gooch was appointed the fourth captain of the series .
2 While recognizing the changes that were taking place Holmes described a characteristic which has survived intact :
3 In addition to the processes just described , repeated presentation of a stimulus also brings about those changes responsible for habituation that I discussed in Chapter 2 — changes that were characterized as resulting in the formation of a representation of the stimulus .
4 Their owners were also beginning to notice what was going on and commented on the changes that were making their business more difficult , for the books often had no dispersal markings on them .
5 In late 1988 the right was rendered well-nigh obsolete in Northern Ireland , by changes that were introduced without any consultation — we shall examine this further in Chapter 7 .
6 In response to the massive changes that were taking place throughout Germany a whole series of patriotic clubs and societies grew up in the 1890s .
7 However , the Junkers , instead of facing up to the industrial , economic and social changes that were sweeping Europe , preferred instead to set about the ruthless suppression of any and every gesture of sympathy for the French revolutionaries , and they took military action against the few tiny peeps of protest that emanated from Pomerania .
8 Second , the small congregation at St Barnabas ' , of some fifteen , that were to be ‘ moved in on ’ had had to accept radical changes that were presented to them prior to the move for their agreement .
9 This is not to deny that random changes are not automatically beneficial , but the direction towards improvement comes from natural selection ; i.e. from genetic changes that were an aid to survival .
10 The next few issues of Amnesty will cover the changes that were voted in by the ICM in detail , however , a summary of the major changes is useful :
11 Of the other e.p.s.ps analysed , some showed changes that were mainly pre- or postsynaptic , others a mixture of both .
12 The BBC is seen by Mrs Whitehouse as not only reflecting the changes that were occurring in that period , but also as actively encouraging or even precipitating them .
13 The dominant view on the crucial place of Japanese tendencies towards group consensus , rests very heavily on the structural changes that were enshrined in the constitutional apparatus .
14 But with hindsight , the effects of such works can seem limited in comparison with the impact of other , more structural , changes that were taking place within British culture at the time .
15 They began to institute the actual changes that were necessary :
16 It became necessary to develop a number of change-management organizations to cope with the various matrices and to move the company toward some of the major changes that were essential to the total transformation .
17 Those changes that were noticed were explained away as disturbances in the upper atmosphere .
18 Now do you think that the campaign th the th , the campaigns against the use in cosmetic testing had anything to do with the changes that were brought in , or do you think advances and responsible er science would have , would have made those changes anyway ?
19 All the changes that were made underlined trends already evident before Fulton reported and none made any basic difference to the civil service .
20 The whole nationality question , he promised , would shortly be discussed more fully in the light of the changes that were taking place in other areas of Soviet life ; perhaps , he added in early 1988 , this could be the subject of one of the forthcoming meetings of the Central Committee .
21 The Central Committee 's Theses , adopted shortly before the 19th Party Conference in 1988 , contained the first official criticism of Soviet foreign policy in the Brezhnev and Gromyko years , suggesting that there had been too much ‘ dogmatism ’ and ‘ subjectivism ’ at this time and that Soviet policy had lagged behind the important changes that were taking place in world affairs .
22 The reason lay in the large economic changes that were affecting the world economy , the government 's own responses and the particular nature of the new machinery of control .
23 This is not to say that it was the consequence of the rise of Fordism ( i.e. , the changes that were taking place during the first half of the 20th century in capitalist methods of production ) .
24 That war had , rather , intensified the real causes of decline : social and cultural changes that were already operative and that were , almost uniformly , changes for the worse .
25 One of the main causes for concern brought up by the employees was not being involved with a number of changes that were taking place .
26 The decline of community and the rise of a society in which association was becoming in some sense secondary can also be seen as reflecting some of the profound social and spatial changes that were actually taking place in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
27 That there was a that they were gon na be trailing behind the peasant movement and that how that they had to sort of get a hold over all the all the changes that were happening in the country .
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