Example sentences of "changes [Wh det] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Wherever possible , statistics have been cited to condense general changes which cover long periods .
2 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
3 On the other hand , just as in the case of short-run macro-policy we consider offsetting changes which keep the level of aggregate demand unchanged , so in the long-run growth context we may want to compare situations where the aggregate capital-labour ratio is unchanged .
4 Do any specific cells or synapses show changes which correspond to the behavioural adaptation ? — a question , which , of course , relates to the first of my criteria above .
5 MGM had been responsible for some of the worst quota quickie outrages , and its new willingness to finance British-based production was the result of legislative changes which brought American companies deeper into British film production .
6 If my second criterion is to be fulfilled , during associative learning in Aplysia there must be longer-term cellular changes which match the longer-term change in behaviour .
7 At any one time , both types of force are in play and the UK 's international economic position reflects both its internal dynamic as a definite , structured , national economy and the changes which reflect the internationalization of economic processes across the world and hence , in different ways , affect all countries .
8 The past ten years have seen striking changes which reflect social changes .
9 The difficult issue is how far this movement should be taken : changes which make it easier to convict men of sexual assault on women , or parents of the sexual abuse of children , can not be welcomed unless one has a clear conception of the rights of defendants as well as the rights of victims .
10 Secondly , its direct effect on sexual activity is such that a man may obtain an erection ( or a woman may become " prepared " for sexual intercourse by dilation of the vagina , protrusion of the clitoris and the other numerous changes which make coitus comfortable and pleasant ) with no physical stimulation at all ; simply by action from the brain — seeing and being close to an attractive member of the opposite sex , looking at pornographic material or simply by fantasy or " thinking about it " .
11 While these major upgrades to PageMaker , there are numerous smaller changes which make it easier to use .
12 The last-named are useful in creating faster movement or in extending the material into slow sections , thus giving those speed changes which make more extended forms possible .
13 Other physical changes which take place in the girl 's body include development of the breasts , which may begin between eight and thirteen , and of the rounded feminine shape , as well as the growth of pubic hair .
14 While many of the changes which take place in the bird world in spring pass unremarked — if not unnoticed — the first arrivals of our summer migrants always excite comment .
15 And how can it sustain this common cause and sense of direction through the many changes which take place from one generation to anther ? …
16 The diagenetic changes which take place within a supermature quartz sandstone are limited ; quartz overgrowth cements may form , but , unless pore fluids are extremely aggressive , neither dissolution , alteration nor replacement of detrital quartz grains are likely to occur .
17 The two changes which took place in law and constitution before 1980 were at least permitted by the clerical church in that it agreed with the abolition of the special position of the Roman catholic church , and did not oppose the limited introduction of contraceptives .
18 This was reinforced by a number of other changes which took place at roughly the same time .
19 Listen to the Queen recalling the changes which took place in her long reign , the inventions which led the way for others today , and the discoveries that were made …
20 Moreover , it is not clear that the changes which took place were related so much to any general process of social change as to the specific economic and social changes which occurred in Sri Lanka .
21 The grimmer tone of government was set by the new head of the Third Section , P. A. Shuvalov : typical of the ministerial changes which took place was the replacement of A. V. Golovnin , the liberally minded Minister of Education , by the notoriously reactionary Dmitrii Tolstoy .
22 Particularly important are a series of changes which took place prior to the development of industrial technology .
23 The changes which took place in Eastern Europe during 1989 and 1990 pose some of the same problems .
24 Amidst all the changes which took place in Eastern Europe during 1989 , the opening of the borders between East and West Germany on Nov. 9 , 1989 ( see p. 37025 ) was perhaps the most significant event to NATO members in that it confirmed that such changes , in particular the evolving relationship between the two Germanies , demanded an assessment of how NATO should respond and what its future role would be .
25 In Cabinet changes which took effect on Feb. 25 Carmelo Lauria Lesseur was appointed Interior Minister , Arminda Quintana Justice Minister , Rafael Guevara acting Minister of Energy and Mines , and Celestino Armas Secretary of the Presidency .
26 And the trauma had caused personality changes which made him irritable and difficult to live with .
27 As a man of action — as he never tired of telling people — he had stuck his multi-million-pound Granny Bond idea together on the back of an envelope in a couple of hours after the introduction of Budget changes which made it possible .
28 The legislation of 1861 was undoubtedly flawed , but it also set in train changes which affected most levels of Russian government and all levels of Russian society .
29 Frank is educating Rita in this superb play which provides lots of humour as well as the underlying pathos of two people struggling with changes which mean their lives will never be the same again .
30 Opportunities and threats refer to the demands and pressures on the school — for example , the legislative changes which require action .
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