Example sentences of "home after a " in BNC.

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1 In addition , jet-lag is experienced on returning home after a stay in another country , when the traveller is returning to his own culture .
2 ‘ You know I love you , ’ he said when he got home after a month in Rimini and San Marino .
3 He also suspected it was taking poor Sombro even longer to get home after a heavy session !
4 When Sombro comes home after a long excursion , he 's usually very thin , in poor shape and a bit battered and bruised .
5 Candles and oil-lamps gleamed weakly in distant windows and a torch shone briefly down by the ancient Cross as a link-boy led a gentleman home after a night 's revelry , by the shortest and hopefully , safest route .
6 So I prefer to drive back home after a meeting , no matter how far it is . ’
7 Carl had got home after a long day .
8 On their return home after a day 's work they must then be given a good if not excessive meal .
9 Now , as she crossed into Farringdon Street and saw familiar landmarks , she stopped and put down her bag , gazing about her with the pleasure of someone who has come home after a long absence .
10 Two men challenged Chris as he walked his girlfriend home after a night out .
11 And you know and I know that when I come home after a nice relentless day at the rehearsal rooms , it will look like Versailles , Southfork and Designers Guild rolled into one .
12 That 's something that did n't happen when I came home after a long day at work .
13 Thousands of commuters using Victoria and Waterloo stations — which serve the south of England -had to find alternative routes home after a coded message claiming to be from the IRA warned of two devices in the capital .
14 Before lapsing into a coma Suzanne , who had left home after a row with her stepfather , told rescuers she had been held captive for a week .
15 And then seconds later Worrell Sterling got another one for Posh when he slotted home after a mistake from keeper Ray Newland .
16 Howe has returned home after a scare over a chest condition .
17 In the commonplace crush of damp and steaming humanity returning home after a day 's work in the city , worries over Nadirpur and Clarion Call seemed grossly exaggerated .
18 With techno enjoying a second coming in Leeds and banging out of every other shop in the renovated arcades on Saturdays , some people were getting home after a day 's shopping and fancying something a bit different .
19 TIPSY cyclist Jeffrey Maidment set off home after a night in the pub — and rode the wrong way down the M27 motorway .
20 At the major shows , winners are often exposed to the glare of television lights , and expected to parade for the cameras as well , before journeying back home after a long day .
21 Within any such population it is possible to identify four subgroups : long-stay residents ; those who die shortly after admission , those who return home after a period of convalescence and those who move to another long-term care setting after a short stay .
22 She pictured Jezrael back home after a shift at Nutristem , laughing and ranting over some petty injustice , wry with self-mockery , a crusader with no shield but a vivacity she could n't even see .
23 I even got a job for one of my half-sisters at a place in Lunedale , but she did n't settle to the job like me and wanted to go home after a short while .
24 Perhaps in the past , rolling home after a battle , Tess 's ancestors , the real d'Urbervilles , had done the same , even more cruelly , to young country girls .
25 On his way home after a wedding he found himself in a field with an angry bull .
26 Alfred , returning home after a kitchen luncheon with his colleagues , had seen the love of his life .
27 You 're supposed to be taking things easy , and I come home after a day 's work and a beastly journey hoping for some restoration and some intelligent company .
28 Ianthe was not the type to pour herself a glass of sherry or gin as soon as she got home after a day 's work , nor yet to make a cup of tea .
29 He was conscious of a growing feeling of peace and well-being as he drew nearer — like a weary traveller returning home after a long and tiring journey .
30 Then , last night , the master 's wife came home after a weekend away .
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