Example sentences of "land on [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The very land on which he now lies dead , in fact . ’
2 This means that although the State is an external , exploitative body it is not seen as such by the people who , on the contrary , see it as a kind of beneficent organism which ‘ gives ’ them the land on which they depend .
3 Pride of place in the leather and wood-panelled coffee lounge is a portrait of Frank Wittenoom , the man who gave Mr Hancock 's father his start — he sold Mr Hancock Snr the land on which the wealth of iron ore was found .
4 Despite the fact that relief trailers were provided for the homeless they remained empty due to the lack of available land on which to site them , yet the government refused to take over corporate land even for humanitarian purposes .
5 The parcel of land on which this house was built was mentioned in Domesday Book .
6 More and more sprays and chemicals have been used on the food we eat and the land on which it is grown and ingenious methods of preserving the appearance of freshness have been devised .
7 We have been living in a jungle all our lives and we have struggled to bring our minds into cultivation but without hope and suddenly we have found this meadow of cleared land on which we can plant our gardens .
8 The move follows six months of negotiations during which the City of London , which owns some of the land on which the polytechnic is built , stuck out for a rent that one expert said was three times the market value ( New Scientist , 6 January , p 7 ) .
9 Although present developments are seen as both quantitively and qualitively different , they too will pass : what will happen to the land on which housing is built ?
10 In the old villa the labour force had consisted mainly of serfs , or villeins , who were personally free but were tied to the plot of land on which they lived , and to the services it traditionally rendered to the lord , and of slaves , who had no freedom and no land .
11 We had several pieces of rolling stock stored at Councillor Jim McBriar 's farm , and as he was considering selling the land on which they were sitting , we were asked to remove them as quickly as possible .
12 There had been some disagreement about the value of the land on which the House was eventually built , and John Wing had written to the Earl of Ashburnham saying that :
13 The agreed price of the three acres of land was £180 and a proper conveyance was to be prepared by Theed Pearse the solicitor , who was also owner of the adjoining land on which the County Hospital was to be built nearly a century later .
14 On the other hand , it has been held that gypsies who camp on public land can not argue , in defence to a claim for an eviction order by a council , that the council has failed to fulfil its statutory obligation to provide camping sites because the gypsies had no legal right to the land on which they were camping .
15 Over the last 4–5 years there has been a considerable amount of activity in the colony due to the expiry of the lease in 1997 when the land on which the colony has been built reverts back to its previous owner the Republic of China .
16 The ownership of archaeological finds depends on the local laws ( in some countries all archaeological artefacts are automatically the property of the state and have to be reported , while in others the finds belong to the owner of the land on which they were found ) , but whatever the ownership , each find needs to be properly recorded if it is to be of any use archaeologically .
17 But as tree crops ( coconuts , coffee , cocoa , rubber ) became increasingly important in the mercantile economy into which the islanders were drawn , so conflicts developed between the men who planted the trees , their sons who inherited them , and the matrilineal inheritors of the land on which they stood .
18 However , it was not the warehouse itself that was of interest , but the extensive parcel of land on which the building was situated .
19 Upon the facts the decision seems to have been correct so far as the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher goes , for all that the defendant had done was to plough up some forest land on which there had previously been no thistles but from which , for some unexplained reason , an immense crop of them sprang up in two successive years .
20 The Act provides the following defences : that the damage was wholly due to the fault of the person suffering it ; that that person voluntarily accepted the risk of the damage ; and that the livestock was killed or injured on land on which it had strayed and either the dog belonged to the occupier or its presence on the land was authorised by the occupier .
21 A person is entitled to act for the protection of livestock if either the livestock or the land on which it is belongs to him or to any person under whose express or implied authority he is acting ; and he is deemed to be acting for their protection if and only if , either :
22 The occupier of the land on which the chattel is found may in some cases have a title superior to that of the finder .
23 For a moment he let himself imagine he was some great explorer about to enter a hostile , unknown land on which his name would later be stamped for all history .
24 The offices were in a high building , one which might well have been neat and prosperous around the time that Dickens was labelling bottles in a boot-blacking warehouse ; now its main value lay in the soaring price of the land on which it stood .
25 Many flat owners do n't own the land on which their homes are built or the shared areas inside , like stairs or hallways .
26 This has required the Borough of Monmouth to identify land on which 5,500 new homes can be built during the next fifteen years .
27 Tennis Courts Edinburgh District Council now own the land on which the tennis courts and club house stand .
28 Tennis Courts Edinburgh District Council now own the land on which the tennis courts and club house stand .
29 The level of the new arid ground was several feet above that of the land on which Geneva stood .
30 The only exception to this is when the crops are sold along with the land on which they are growing or to be grown .
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