Example sentences of "mrs [noun prp] might " in BNC.

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1 The loud tugging and pulling that followed — the instructions from the Colonel , instructions from the landlord , banging of levers , banging of latches — eclipsed any small performance Mrs Crump might have been inclined to give and when the company was finally re-seated she was wise enough to let it pass .
2 Ianthe reflected for a moment on this depressing picture of the bed-sitting-room world , with no churchgoing to give meaning to the day , though presumably Mrs Gammon might go sometimes .
3 Although there is little of essence in common between the two approaches , it is perhaps not hard to see how on occasion unlikely alliances between radical feminist anti-pornography campaigners and moral entrepreneurs such as Mrs Whitehouse might have been countenanced .
4 And then crossed out ‘ dumb ’ and inserted ‘ sweet ’ because it occurred to her that Mrs Rundle might have known about this affliction from the lawyers but had not been able to find the words to tell the children about it .
5 Naturally , Mrs Thrigg might not want to lose half a dozen agreeable jobs .
6 She would have had no such hopes in the old days , when Bill took pleasure in flouting normal expectations , seemed driven to flare up , to " create " as Mrs Orton might put it .
7 ‘ Living with Mrs Higby might be an excellent idea , ’ Adam approved , ‘ particularly as — eventually — it might be necessary to sell Saracen . ’
8 ‘ You think Mrs Williams might have killed him ? ’
9 All the same , I think Mrs Fleming might 've tidied up .
10 Mrs Pelosi might like to know that one former all-white library is insisting on a £5 downpayment per book , to discourage black students from using it .
11 As in Miss Austen 's day it was universally accepted that a young unmarried man with a house and fortune was in need of a wife , so Mrs Girdlestone might have been beguiled into accepting a somewhat similar assumption that one elderly lady living alone is in need of an even more elderly lady to live with her ( prudently stipulating , however , the three months only , in case she should wish to draw back ) .
12 It was said that Mrs Rinehart was upset because she thought Mrs Hancock might inherit vast royalties from the tycoon 's ore resources .
13 But now , lying in a cot while a nurse washed her all over and patted her dry , she saw what Mrs Hollidaye might have meant .
14 She did not feel that she could tell McAllister that Mrs Darrell had designs on Dr Neil , and that she , Matey , was not very happy about the idea that Mrs Darrell might become Mrs Cochrane .
15 His problem will be that Mrs Thatcher might decide to do it first , and then she will garner the votes .
16 Like Louis XIV before her , Mrs Thatcher might provoke an eventual revolution .
17 One minister , asked to distinguish between the way Mr Major led the review and the way Mrs Thatcher might have behaved , says : ‘ He interfered more — and more often — and earlier — than she would have done . ’
18 There were reports that some ministers , less optimistic in the face of evidence that a number of her supporters were already defecting to Heseltine , were seeking to stabilise the situation by holding out the prospect that Mrs Thatcher might retire voluntarily in the spring , making an orderly succession possible then .
19 Mrs Thatcher might now be widely regarded as an electoral liability ; but she had bounced back before from low opinion poll ratings and by-election reverses to win huge general election victories .
20 I 'd tried waiting for the natural course of events to bring me the way of the creche , some errand Mrs Goreng might send me on , but it had n't worked out that way .
21 Alexandra thought of calling her back , explaining that Mrs Chamberlin might regret her kind invitation to dine with them on Christmas Day if Alexandra were to upstage the Rectory family in such a way , but then she reflected on the goodness of Mrs Chamberlin 's heart and the necessity of living up to at least some of Lyddy 's expectations of her .
22 Mrs Putt might want a stall cleared out and fresh straw put in for some company she 's expecting , or she 'll want me to hitch up a carriage so she can go visiting .
23 Mrs Carson might need me . ’
24 Mrs Bosanquet might also have mentioned , without stretching the point too far , the wonderful convenience of being able to give these troublesome boys the sack at a moment 's notice .
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