Example sentences of "god in [det] " in BNC.

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1 Well … you see , I do n't have a concept of God in that sense .
2 Be open to God in all of your existence , as the highest good in all of life .
3 We can do this by giving thanks to God in all our circumstances .
4 The extent to which God in all three persons of the trinity has simply been seen as male is well captured by the liturgy of The Alternative Service Book used in Anglican services of confirmation in Britain .
5 God 's answer encourages him to press a personal plea for a revelation of God in all his splendour .
6 There is no doubt among those who have been given the gift of tongues that their prayer life and their ability to praise God in all circumstances has grown dramatically .
7 It is a work of deep inwardness , where the presence of God in all creatures makes external worship and scriptural authority superfluous : ‘ God is in all Creatures , Man and Beast , Fish and Fowle , and every green thing , from the highest Cedar to the Ivey on the wall ; and that God is the life and being of them all . ’
8 Well we do n't perhaps quite use that sort of language , but we start saying , well where is God in all this ?
9 How do I encounter God in such a way that I can call the meeting sacramental ?
10 We do not believe that it is necessary to placate God in such a way .
11 How could she believe in God in such a world as this ?
12 If being a real person implies consciously living before God , as we saw in the previous chapter , then the integrity of a man and woman living together needs the further consciousness of God in both their lives .
13 If I could not believe in the sovereignty of God when it was my son lying there how could I tell someone who came for counselling , suffering the whims of a very insensitive partner , ‘ You continue to honour God in this situation .
14 Because of the fragmented and busy nature of our lives , there may be certain stages of preparation needed to approach God in this way .
15 Gandhi , however , does not conceive of God in this way even when he uses the term in a personal sense .
16 In The Cloud of Unknowing he did not present the whole complexity of the Greek mystic 's vision , but dwelt upon his central belief that God is ultimately and essentially incomprehensible to the human mind and that if we want to ‘ know ’ God in this life , we must divest ourselves of all our ideas about the reality that we call ‘ God ’ .
17 Now that 's a question that we can all come up with at times , whether we 're Christians or non-Christians , we come up and we question , where is God in this situation ?
18 Ressentiment is a more precise word ; he may well have been blaming God in these developing years for the loss he felt — for the anguish it gave not only to himself but also that witnessed by him in his mother and sister .
19 However , it is also clear that there are impersonal images of God in these traditions .
20 His careful exploration of existence , the self and God in these books is uncritical of Aquinas , but shows a sophisticated awareness of he problems involved in defining God , and an awareness of the dangers involved in ‘ using models ’ .
21 They give us and Perry Farrell ( who 's God in these parts ) ‘ HIPS LIPS TITS POWER ’ T-shirts which we duly wear on stage .
22 Why do you think they think of God in these ways ?
23 He knows they have been defeated because they have offended God in some serious way , and become the victims of his anger .
24 Greek theologians who had been trained in Italy and who had been very impressed by Aquinas and his Aristotelian Christianity were opposed and defeated by St Gregory Palamas , who refused to consider God in any sense as a concept , however inspiring , that could be rationally discussed and analysed .
25 The full implications of this are best indicated if we observe that far more is involved in it than merely the uniqueness of the revelation in Jesus , solely the issue whether there is genuine access to knowledge of God in any other place .
26 There is no other God than this , nor is he God in any other way than he here makes known .
27 That is to say I deny that there could be a particular revelation of God in any one age , which thenceforth becomes normative for all others .
28 An increasingly broad appreciation of the Scriptures will give us a developing ability to scent the will of God in any given situation .
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