Example sentences of "god [coord] [det] " in BNC.

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1 one God or many ?
2 There would be no singularities at which the laws of science broke down and no edge of space-time at which one would have to appeal to God or some new law to set the boundary conditions for space-time .
3 We need a change of heart to become truly unpossessive in our love for God and each other .
4 They would also claim that such forgiveness is important in their lives for , without the forgiveness of God and each other , it is seen as impossible to be reconciled with God .
5 Power to love God and each other as we should .
6 They seem to think that all they need to do is fetch God and all will be well .
7 In fact , ‘ Damnation Derek ’ is a Christian who believes in ‘ Witnessing ’ and it is this simple , even commendable desire to tell others about God and all things Christian that has earned him his nickname ( 'Damnation' is n't his real name — in case you thought he had very unloving parents ! ) and which has made him a Playground Health Hazard .
8 People of whatever shape and size are all created and loved by God and all deserve respect ( see above ) .
9 Many Christians see , in this parable , the command to use the talents and abilities they have been given in the service of God and all people .
10 They told her she must give up Christianity and deny , not only God and all the saints , but her father , her mother , and all her friends .
11 This attitude was kept alive by the strong sense of the permanence of human arrangements in the matter of property , which seems to us of all things the least permanent : gifts to the Church were made to last till the Day of Judgement , and many of the documents in the Canterbury archives invoked God and all his saints on the Day of Judgement to destroy those who violated their provisions .
12 After Izzie finished playing her recorder , it was her job to loosen off the ropes and allow the scenery clouds to flop forwards on their hinges , revealing God and all His angels …
13 Then , seeing the hinged clouds fold down to reveal God and all His angels , the wife would look once and look again and stand up and point and clutch her apron to her mouth …
14 He was only visiting earth like , so he could tell people about God and that .
15 In the following year the President argued that man 's nature had been used by God and that state-imposed collective responsibility was unnecessary : Christian altruism had worked through an ‘ inevitable though almost undetected stimulation of Egoism ’ .
16 Pantheism conflicts with the Christian view of the fundamental distinction between God and that which he has created ( Hebrews 11:3 ) .
17 It was a good case he wanted us to remember that there 's a hunger for the word of God and that what we should be worried about was poverty in the things of the spirit but he made the blank statement and it shocked one young man called John who at the time was the minister of a church extension charge in one of our deprived housing situations .
18 But a more characteristic evangelical understanding of how the slave trade abrogated God 's good order stressed the interposition by trader and slaveholder of a harsh human power between God and some of His creatures .
19 The permissive society did not begin with the publication of Dr John Robinson 's Honest To God but this certainly smote the ramparts of the established Church which , until that point , had been seen — mostly with approval — as the defender of the faith and of public and private morality .
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