Example sentences of "god [unc] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It is not merely a question of its vastness ( it is the second largest country in the world , measuring 9.2 million square kilometres ) , but its breathtaking grandeur : God 's own country , as the Canadians delight to call it .
2 So keen is Berkeley on the idea that the existence of real objects consists in their actually being perceived , that he appears to explain their continuity , not by a readiness on God 's part to excite ideas in us , but rather by God 's own continued perception .
3 If you'se happen to be comin' here to Dublin at some time or other in the future — which praise the Lord you will be , for t is God 's own city — and you happen to be driving down O'Connell Street and you see me standin' here like dis , with me arms up ; then whether I 'm here or not , you stop . ’
4 When those hopes are dashed so soon , not only by a cruel foreign king , but by God 's own people , then the story turns to bleak tragedy , and becomes unbearable .
5 Balaam can do nothing but pronounce God 's own words of blessing upon them , while Balak grows ever more frustrated and angry .
6 It is that someone among them has taken for himself some of the treasures of the city which were destined for God 's own sanctuary .
7 This time it comes from God 's own lips , the crime of Hophni and Phinehas is declared to be blasphemy , Eli is condemned for not restraining them , and the speech ends with a divine oath making it irrevocably clear that there is nothing these three priests can do to ward off the coming disaster .
8 Our other values , arrangements , cares and concerns are eclipsed before the wonder of God 's own presence with us .
9 As we saw in chapter ten , the beatitudes of Jesus express the radicalism of living under the rule of God 's own character .
10 This then leads us to explore ultimate happiness in God 's own being .
11 This is why no fewer than eight different terms are used to convey the richness of the law , which reveals God 's own character .
12 And thus the poet knows that the silent rows of stars carry God 's own invitation to the individual soul . ’
13 Then he had inherited a romantic faith that one day God 's own city , Jerusalem , where he had suffered and died and been buried , would be rescued from the infidel .
14 As this spirit rules our hearts and minds we shall be fashioning a Burma after God 's own heart .
15 Coleridge thus moved beyond Schleiermacher in stressing the personal in God 's own being , though , like Schleiermacher , he too tended to place the theological centre of gravity in the inner experience of faith .
16 The aim of this introductory study ( ‘ prolegomena ’ ) was to make clear the basis for the entire enterprise and the methods which it would use , and the emphasis on ‘ the doctrine of the Word of God ’ signalled Barth 's intention to ground it on God 's own revelation of himself and nothing else .
17 The primary form is God 's own self-expression , his eternal Word which was made flesh in Jesus ; the secondary form is the witness of the Bible in Old and New Testaments to that primary Word , the witness by which the Word itself is mediated and heard ; the tertiary form is the proclamation of Jesus Christ in the church as the Word of God to us .
18 IV ) , each being developed with reference to the trinitarian structure of God 's own being as Father , Son and Holy Spirit .
19 In Jesus ' own relation of sonship to the Father , a relation which is mediated and empowered by the Holy Spirit , the triune structure of God 's own eternal being as Father , Son and Holy Spirit is shown as the eternal ground within God of the human person and history of Jesus .
20 God 's own moral sentiments are correct because , as the perfect being , he has perfect insight into what is independently morally good and bad , right and wrong .
21 I 'll not have any child of mine disobeying not only me , but turning her back on God 's own holy ordinance ! ’
22 For Jesus himself , the incarnate Son of God , accepted it as God 's own word to man .
23 — Mankind is distinguished from all other creatures in two respects : he alone is made in God 's own likeness ; and he is given charge over all the rest .
24 The parallel between Abraham 's sacrifice and the greater sacrifice of God 's own Son is striking — yet the lesson Hebrews draws from this chapter is one of faith .
25 Moses ' long communion with God shows in his face when he returns to the people : he begins to reflect something of God 's own glory ( see 2 Corinthians 3–18 ) .
26 — The emphasis on ethics and morality , stemming from God 's own absolute moral holiness ; sin as a bar to communion ; the need for repentance and atonement ; the insistence on obedience to God 's law ( moral as well as ceremonial ) .
27 Line B makes clear that the perspective upon the nations and their significance in comparison with God ( , line A ) is God 's own .
28 In other words , the numerical identity of monads is guaranteed by God 's own inherent " rationality " .
29 God 's own country .
30 A new Spirit , God 's own Spirit within man , which would warm his heart to want to go God 's way , and enable his will to keep it .
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