Example sentences of "change [be] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Reorganization and change are a feature of the switched-on company , but the reorganizations and changes come from recognized broad strategic needs and are explicable .
2 The more difficult decisions under times of change are the longer-term or strategic decisions for the corporation rather than the shorter-term , mainly operational , decisions .
3 Complexity and change are the predominant factors in the English landscape ; the above examples are no , exceptional and similar instances can be found in all the English counties .
4 The principal factors giving rise to the change are the reduction in the workforce and revised pension arrangements agreed with Waterford Crystal employees .
5 Instinct , trial and error , and incremental change are the essence of the English approach to problem-solving .
6 We think evolution took place not by sort of hitting in one bang the right answer — that would be like the surgeon moving his scalpel a foot and hitting the right point , but by successive changes , changing one amino acid at a time , each change being a slight improvement on what was there before .
7 On May 11 Jawara announced a new government , with the most significant change being the promotion of Saihou S. Sabally , hitherto Economic Affairs Minister , to the post of Vice-President .
8 ITV and BBC1 were both soon broadcasting some 13 hours a day ( the main change being an extension of afternoon hours ) — double the amount 20 years earlier .
9 " The opponents of change were no less blunt and were also given space to express their views in the BDN .
10 Opposing change were the city 's communists , Gorbachev , the USSR Supreme Soviet , and many older citizens who associate the current name with the heroic 900 days ' wartime siege of Leningrad .
11 ‘ A time of historic change is no time for recklessness .
12 Although the rail journey involves a change of trains , the timetable of services is so well co-ordinated that the change is no great inconvenience .
13 The two cases also show that change is a possibility , but that it has mainly been in the past through change in the hierarchy 's and clergy 's attitudes as well .
14 Though he found the passionate irresponsibility of the Homeric world ‘ shocking ’ , preferring its Virgilian successor ‘ because it was a more civilized world of dignity , reason and order ’ , Eliot also realized that the all-important ‘ mind of Europe ’ was one ‘ which changes , and that this change is a development which abandons nothing en route , which does not superannuate either Shakespeare , or Homer , or the rock drawing of the Magdalenian draughtsmen ’ .
15 The change is a tremendous one .
16 More insidiously , the change is a cover for sacking journalists who do not share his idea of what a state broadcasting company should be .
17 He realized that the relation between time and change is a reciprocal one : without change time could not be recognized , whereas without time change could not occur .
18 Thus it is clear that if the change is a realistic one and the company is justifiably convinced that it must be imposed , you will be extremely vulnerable if you do not fall in line .
19 On the earth 's surface , environmental change is a continuous process and much of this change is attributable to agriculture .
20 Yet the consequences of any significant changes are a matter of the utmost concern to planners and to politicians at all levels , the quantification of the costs and benefits of alternative policy strategies is very much a matter for economists , and the adaptation of societies to massive change is a particular interest to sociologists and others .
21 MTCP Circular 67/49 advised that whether a change is a material change comparison with the previous use of the land or building in question is the governing factor and the effect of the proposal on the surrounding neighbourhood is not relevant to the issue .
22 He points out , for example , that personal change is a slow business and is unlikely to be achieved by attending an instant weekend run by est or some other faddish organisation .
23 Now sadder but wiser , we are prepared to admit that the implementation of curriculum change is a complicated business .
24 To suggest that change is a bad thing would be stupid ; we 'd never advance if that were so .
25 Active methods of treatment for venous ulcers do work , but the ‘ Hawthorn ’ effect must be remembered , in that part of any improvement is due to the change as much as the method , or ‘ a change is a s good as a rest ’ .
26 The main concept , which goes against much traditional thinking about language , is that such change is a natural and inevitable process .
27 Stopping people by asking for the time or change is a favourite mugging trick — especially when there is more than one attacker .
28 Anyone who is interested in the human side of innovation , and who suspects that the management of change is a subtle business , about which there is always more to be learned , might find something useful here .
29 Then it was in ‘ B&D blue ’ , and now the only visual change is a switch to the black plastic body of more recent models .
30 Dietary change is a central component of this process , and there is a mass of evidence to support the role of a diet high in saturated fat in atherogenesis .
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