Example sentences of "sometimes [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 When she and Frank were children , they used to skip the puddles , or sometimes land in the middle , spattering themselves , with shouts of glee .
2 Group members keep up a complicated running commentary of grunts , squeaks and squeals , often huddle up together , and sometimes sleep in heaps .
3 The club is also responsible for marathon winkle-eating competitions , and its elderly members sometimes appear in suits made of thousands of shells .
4 The two species sometimes associate in the fields , and their behaviour is similar , so a special watch must be kept for the stock dove .
5 Too often we overlook the extent to which Britain leads the Community and too frequently we recall the difficulties we sometimes face in it .
6 The reason for this behaviour may be that sea-lions sometimes lie in wait among the kelp near the shore , ready to grab an unwary bird as it makes the transition from the safety of the deep sea to the land .
7 Equalling and occasionally surpassing the excellent journalism we sometimes enjoy in our quality press , this collection loses out in its lack of immediacy .
8 These situations sometimes happen in life . ’
9 Or a dramatic switch in councillors themselves as you sometimes get in whole council elections .
10 It was one of those still , lovely evenings that you sometimes get in October .
11 He 's sensitive to the horse , without all that macho pushing and pulling you sometimes get in male riders . ’
12 This did not take on , but from the time of the Pioneers some red-figure artists sometimes draw in outline on a white slip , most often on the interior of a cup where there was not the problem of the receding surface .
13 So you hear sometimes hear in an organisation when a manager approaches like , here come the suits the the er .
14 Confused people sometimes masturbate in public .
15 a swing of the pendulum away from uncritical acceptance of ‘ New Mathematics ’ programmes , sometimes manifest in overt political opposition to them ( Nigeria and Malawi ) , more commonly by a re-emphasis placed on the values and processes of basic numeracy , e.g. tables , measurement , number bonds ( Swaziland and Lesotho ) .
16 It 's this marvellous giving and taking and sharing which provides these marvellous explosions which we call inspired moments which sometimes result in a work of art .
17 These experiences are easily confused with reality , and sometimes result in the sleeper 's waking up completely and attempting to answer the voices .
18 Background hiss levels are quite high , and sometimes alter in mid-track , and there is little if any sense of ambience , the sound being dry and colourless .
19 This , therefore , plays a part in the differences which sometimes arise in agreeing a plan to support — or not to support — the old person in the community .
20 It must be remembered , however , that the ranges within which particular bond stretches appear may overlap , and circumstances sometimes arise in which a band may be considerably displaced from its expected position .
21 In Indian communities particularly , whole families sometimes migrate in search of employment .
22 ‘ Annie up the road told me to come here ; she said that you sometimes take in paying guests — and there was n't anywhere else , and it was dark , and raining — but it obviously is n't a very good idea , so if you could tell me where else to try — I 'll go and try , ’ she concluded lamely .
23 Arms races sometimes culminate in extinction , and then a new arms race may begin back at square one .
24 The same letter also indicates how certain heterosexual anxieties structured in and by sexual difference are projected by Lawrence on to the homosexual , a move which his critics sometimes follow in trying to save him from the taint of homosexual desire .
25 Dealers sometimes work in pairs , which can lead to a double efficiency if the talents of one complement those of the other .
26 This may partly explain why self-poisoning and self-injury among patients sometimes occur in ‘ epidemics ’ ( Hawton 1978 ) .
27 Most pass through in April and the peak movements are fairly consistently noted in the second half of this month , although they sometimes occur in late March or early May .
28 In addition to the figures in the table sizable concentrations sometimes occur in the Adur valley ( up to 400 birds ) , Pevensey Levels ( up to 250 birds ) , Wet Level ( up to 350 birds ) , and at Pett Level ( up to 800 birds ) .
29 The other problems that sometimes occur in controlled language indexing ( but are avoided by natural language indexing ) arise from human error .
30 We sometimes dream in that language too .
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