Example sentences of "sometimes [prep] his " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , Dexter , I think you 're a real — what do you call Wootton sometimes behind his back ? ’
2 Rory , sometimes against his better judgement , lapped it up .
3 Wolfgang , meanwhile , was having rather a good time in Vienna on his own , staying sometimes with his friends Leutgeb the horn-player and the Puchbergs , who kept him fed , and going out drinking with an old friend , Emmanuel Schikaneder , an actor , singer , writer and producer and the manager of the Theater auf der Wieden in the suburbs .
4 From 1863 onwards he devoted his spare time to opening the barrows with which the Yorkshire wolds were strewn , sometimes with his younger brother Robert .
5 At the dealer 's request ( and sometimes with his assistance ) he fills in a form .
6 He would sit there all day doing this , sleeping sometimes in his chair but never tuning off , trying to make all these pieces of television fit together in some way .
7 We have long talks together , Buffy and I. Sometimes in his ravings he talks of an all-knowing , super-intelligent pig .
8 He was not without fault , foolish in his commercial life , reactionary sometimes in his political belief , nevertheless he is entitled no more to the title of the Great Unknown , but now to that of the Great Scotsman .
9 He would also read to his wife at the end of the day — from Boswell 's Life of Johnson , from Coleridge 's Letters , from Rudyard Kipling 's Kim ( an especial favourite ) and sometimes from his own work .
10 He did that sometimes on his own up in Jubilee Wood but never so anyone could see him .
11 She had seen photographs of him in the papers , sometimes on his own , but more often escorting a beautiful woman to various functions .
12 Censures were pronounced by the pope , sometimes by his legates , who were despatched to bring the curial arm to the spot .
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