Example sentences of "look [adv] for " in BNC.

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1 Information : look locally for classes .
2 How to find an agency : Look locally for ads in health clinics , doctors ' surgeries , shop windows , or check in the telephone directory .
3 Look especially for the sculpted form of Francesco Sforza , modestly flanked by Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great , and for the nail heads , a unique Milanese example .
4 Look especially for the frieze of statues on the upper tier .
5 Look especially for incorrect or reversed connections to integrated circuits , transistors etc .
6 They chatter together like fiesty and excited skunks , and look constantly for the opportunity to move in .
7 Men look only for signs which flatter them .
8 I think Anne Bancroft and Judi Dench look best for their ages , with naturally , healthy , ‘ glad to be alive ’ expressions on their faces .
9 Contracts should be structured so that if the company does n't release any recordings during a certain contract year , the artist has the option to terminate the agreement and look elsewhere for a record deal .
10 Look carefully for single wires leading off the main lines and running across the fields to individual cottages .
11 Look carefully for the eggs , or nits , particularly behind the ears , at the back of the head , on the neck , crown and under fringes .
12 In the roof space , check the thickness of the insulation ( the standard is now 100mm/4in ) ; look carefully for signs of woodworm , particularly around the hatch , and for any signs of damp entering through the roof covering , especially at the eaves .
13 Look carefully for worn-down barbels which is a sign of bacterial damage and not ‘ wear ’ at all .
14 Look also for the two luminous patches of the Magellanic Clouds .
15 Look also for Arcturus and Fomalhaut .
16 Look also for R Centauri , a red Mira-type variable more or less between the Pointers .
17 You should gybe well in front of it and once the turn is completed look behind for your wave .
18 Look now for a bloom of the male parent .
19 Look particularly for information about characters : attitudes are often indicated by facial expressions or movements .
20 Moreover we never look hard for what we do n't particularly want to find , and governments ’ revenues and manpower were so highly committed towards programmes of quantitative expansion ( particularly at secondary level ) and subsequently towards keeping the machine they had created running , that few people were prepared to question advice which suggested that a certain new activity could be safely ( and , hopefully , inexpensively ) tucked away at a centre or institute .
21 I look hard for cocaine emblems , but as the paintwork is white I am not sure how it could be illustrated .
22 Well while you 're just having look there for a minute I 'm gon na nip to the basement and straight back up again ok , I wo n't be a minute .
23 When assessing a masterworkshop rug , look primarily for technical and aesthetic perfection .
24 Look instead for books for his age with plenty of visual clues , and read them together .
25 The most important duty that I owe you , the reader , is that I be absolutely honest and candid , and therefore , although I have no doubt that the growers will not like me for saying so , I suggest that unless you aspire to the show bench , or base your gardening on taking chances , you should not heed the blandishments but look instead for the shortcomings .
26 Look instead for a degree of suppleness in the fabric and the extent to which the colours alter their intensity when viewed from different angles ; the more readily they submit to subtle changes in the direction of the light source , the more likely it is that good quality silk has been used .
27 Look too for the frescoed Madonna in the chapel of the Madonna dei Torriani , once known as the Madonna di Ballarin , the Madonna of the Ballerinas , because it was beloved of the dancers of La Scala .
28 Look too for the cupola and arched ceilings that marry the high decoration of Catholic churches with an excellent sense of style .
29 Look too for the green/silvery leaves of sea purslane which has green/yellow flowers borne on short , branched spikes .
30 Look actively for the good in your child .
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