Example sentences of "moment [pron] do " in BNC.

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1 And she said , ‘ George Dionisovich , at the moment I do n't want to sell them , but if I change my mind I 'll let you know ’ .
2 At the moment at the moment I do n't know because er I had er one or two problems with organizing that .
3 Cos it 's not actually working algebraic that calculator at the present moment I do n't know what you 've got it programmed in What you 've got it at but it 's not working algebraic .
4 And at the moment I do n't think we do communicate that .
5 Quite frankly , my dear , at the moment I do n't give a damn what your feelings are .
6 At the moment I do n't have sufficient faith in our central defence to feel comfortable about losing the defensive midfielder .
7 But for the moment I do n't want to beg that question by saying so outright .
8 ‘ At the moment I do n't even know anyone else ! ’
9 ‘ For the moment I do n't have much choice .
10 I would love to play at Molineux , but at the moment I do n't have even a slight hope .
11 That 's why that , at the moment I do n't see it well I do n't see it a necessity you to get a pension .
12 There 's no one dominant trend at the moment I do n't think .
13 And for a moment you do n't know whether they 're talking about this strange bodily posture or running a club .
14 At the moment you do I take it you 're recording people who sort of ring up say I 'm interested you send out a package to them you record them
15 I think your mum will buy you some when you are a bit bigger , I expect you 'll have some next winter , when you go in the , at the moment you do n't really need them do you ?
16 Oh just tell them that , you 're just at the moment you do n't need any .
17 ‘ There is a possibility that some information could be lost to us forever — but at the moment we do n't really know .
18 In terms of offering prisoners a range of opportunities to address their offending behaviour and to take up erm an interest or activity which will channel them into other activities , I think at the moment we do less of a good job than we will two years down the line , I think the emphasis now is very much on opportunity and responsibility
19 At the moment we do n't Relating to the transport issue , we have n't yet a link from the northwest down through to the chunnel in to into the rest of Europe .
20 I 'd add that at the moment we do not see any upturn in any of our major markets .
21 A spokeswoman for the liquidator of Continental , Cork Gully , said : ‘ It 's not true to say that the club wo n't get any money but at the moment we do n't know how much any pay-out will be . ’
22 and just for a moment they do n't understand you .
23 Tribunals are an essential check on the powers of officialdom but at the moment they do not work as well as they should to ensure justice in welfare provision .
24 Well , anything that you can do there , erm in in the immediate future would obviously be helpful , to support our case for being considered as the er the er European supplier , erm , and likewise with Italy , Spain , and France , not withstanding that at the moment they do n't do a great deal of business , well Spain does a great deal of business , but I do n't suppose is in a position to do much in in the way of technical support , erm , right ,
25 At the moment they do n't know whether this was an accident , a murder or a suicide pact .
26 at the moment they do n't have anywhere to play .
27 Yes , at this moment they do not vote .
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