Example sentences of "voice [conj] make " in BNC.

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1 But there was something about Doyle 's voice that made it impossible to interrupt .
2 There was something in his voice that made her open her eyes .
3 It was that inner voice that made me cringe as I lay sleepless on my lumpy mattress listening to the pogoing of the bedstead against the wall next door , where my co-tenants were pursuing their nightly quest for the elusive grail of Trish 's orgasm .
4 He spoke in a penetrating voice that made all the other customers look on with interest .
5 There was something in his voice that made her want to throw herself into his arms ; but then she knew that Aggie would n't like that .
6 ‘ That 's a rude thing to mention , ’ he said in a clear , icy voice that made Carrie tremble .
7 There was an urgency in the voice that made Defries and Daak turn and climb the three steps to the weapons platform .
8 In a voice that made it sound like an article of faith , Christine said : ‘ We both know that your father did n't kill mine so why he was late and why he did n't tell the police about it does n't matter . ’
9 ‘ I know what you want , ’ he said in that soft deep voice that made her think of a silk-sheathed scalpel .
10 There was something in his voice that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up .
11 ‘ I wo n't take your refusal , ’ he said in a soft voice that made her quake .
12 ‘ You 're forgetting , Miss Lea , ’ he murmured in a soft voice that made her shiver , ‘ you invited me in . ’
13 There was something in his voice that made her believe he was not speaking from malice himself .
14 There was something in his voice that made her determined not to look at him .
15 There was a harsh note in his voice that made her shiver .
16 There is a history to be written of the VOICE in pop , the voice that makes present the physicality of the body .
17 They will go about the city in the weeks to come , and Phil will point out things behind doorways and up courtyards that he 'd never noticed , and explain how the whole set-up of the city is really a conspiracy , and read out public notices in a voice that makes them suddenly ridiculous , and persuade him to believe preposterous stories .
18 I was thinking about life , the universe and how much I liked Kim Carnes 's voice ( a voice that makes you regret moving to filter cigarettes ) on the tape-deck when I began to conjure up a mental picture of Billy Tuckett .
19 He caught the hint of wistfulness in her voice and made the most of it quickly .
20 In the privacy of her bedroom she grimaced in the direction of the voice and made her way downstairs , taking her time , not caring if he went grey in the process of waiting for her .
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