Example sentences of "to give to [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I gave Lloyd the coupons to give to Tommy , I hope he do n't bloody forget .
2 To give to Mrs for doing the
3 Oh they left it that I was to give to Arthur and June .
4 Kirk had then asked Robertson " what definition he proposed to give to Chetniks " .
5 It is perhaps not surprising therefore that , when Kirk asked Robertson " what definition he proposed to give to Chetniks " Robertson was " very vague on this point " .
6 It is right to say that I have heard from Mrs Paul 's classroom assistant during the last academic year , she appears virtually to have acted as an enabler , but she was by no means dedicated to Paul as a one to one enabler and of course the extent of the attention of which she had to give to Paul detracted from her ability to give attention to other pupils .
7 Has somebody got a handkerchief to give to Anne ? ’
8 He explained that it was something like new party policy on homelessness and would involve a march into town piling up lots of boxes and collecting signatures on a Valentine type partition to give to Hugh .
9 John wrote at length to Hanns about colour , shapes and general effect desirable , and asked him to ‘ do a few rough sketches and send them to me to give to Cecily ; number them so that I can just send you back a telegram saying ‘ Do number three ’ say , unless there is more to be said . ’
10 Tt I was meant to bring you over a couple of chocolate biscuits and fifty pence for you to give to Craig cos he 's bound to want something .
11 To give to Craig ?
12 area to give to Bosnia
13 As the days , weeks and months dragged on and the fine weather turned to biting snow , preventing builders or delivery vans from approaching Remaisnil , the frustrations for Laura and Bernard became at times overwhelming , One of the lowest moments for Laura was an interview she agreed to give to Susan Raven of the The Sunday Times , for ‘ A Life in the Day of ’ series .
14 A puffed-up snowflake , face averted , tried to offer a woolly bear to Stephanie to give to Mary .
15 The third portrait he promised to give to Madame Zborowska in gratitude for acting as a model .
16 You see , my dear , we had a little difficulty over which should adorn the top of the tree , the star of Bethlehem which is of course the only proper thing as well as being the only thing countenanced by the Rector , or an immensely glittering and unsuitable fairy doll someone was so ill-judged as to give to Helen .
17 ‘ Those keys that Gazzer was supposed to give to Madge .
18 He had been told to take photographs for the magazine , not to give to Ana .
19 Before leaving , I gave a spare key to Lisabeth and an envelope with Jo 's two hundred quid for her to give to Mr Nassim .
20 There 's a photograph of her , and I 'm quite sure we can give Joan to give to Vera one of those .
21 So we start with apologies , does any one have any apologies to give to Ann ?
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