Example sentences of "simply do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 But if you simply do n't have room for two or more bushes or trees , all may not be lost .
2 The reason , of course , is that my garden is so packed with plants that the weeds simply do n't stand a chance .
3 ‘ Look , I simply do n't connect with that , ’ she answers sincerely , ‘ We should respect each other , just because .
4 The cuttings date back to the beginning of the 1980s : ‘ If you read these stories day by day , you simply do n't realise how many there are .
5 ‘ I simply do n't want the ball put at risk in areas where we are immediately vulnerable to counter-attacks and we must always be giving the opposition something to think about .
6 Kobena Mercer and Isaac Julien are right to emphasize that the complexity which arises at the junction of race and sexuality is something which ‘ some people simply do n't want to talk about ’ .
7 The trouble with Rottweilers , Mr Sherwood maintains , is that people simply do n't understand them .
8 I simply do n't get out much to enjoy my success .
9 I do n't blame Victor for being angry : I simply do n't know what happened to my tape recorder ; I 've never fouled it up before . ’
10 You still have the same elements of attractiveness , but I simply do n't find you desirable any more .
11 He sought to focus attention on imminent economic recovery while Mr Kinnock said that after presiding over two recessions the Tories ‘ simply do n't deserve ’ to be re-elected .
12 I say to the British people : after all they have done , they simply do n't deserve to be re-elected . ’
13 Some Labour politicians know that all too well — others simply do n't .
14 ‘ You simply do n't understand him , there 's no reason why you should .
15 There are whole areas here , Donald , where basic facilities such as water , for example , are in very poor supply or simply do n't exist at all .
16 Scottish players simply do n't understand that .
17 But most workshops in developing countries can not meet these tolerances , ‘ so the spares simply do n't fit , ’ says Unwin .
18 One honest booklet on food and health explains , ‘ The main reason why there are conflicting views about the effect of food on health is that we simply do n't know all the answers yet .
19 At least one writer has speculated that Carver may recently have lost a son ( by circular argument , in that selfsame Stirling plague ) , but the truth is we simply do n't know what , if any , personal reference is composed into the music .
20 ‘ Coincidences simply do n't happen in real life … ’
21 The ghastly glossy mags for the Working Women Of The Nineties simply do n't have caption competitions .
22 Only the truly virtuous strip their tack and clean it every time it 's used — the rest of us simply do n't have time .
23 On the one hand you 've got guitar players who are very interested in the environment — after all , guitar players are artists , and artists tend to be more liberal and environmentally-minded than most — but on the other hand you have a lot of people who simply do n't want to be bothered .
24 No mean guitar player and bassist himself , Stephen can point to a collection of guitars which simply do n't get used often enough .
25 We simply do n't listen to ourselves !
26 ‘ Nice ’ people — saintly people — simply do n't have them .
27 But no-one says anything about what to do , or whether to do anything at all , when you simply do n't miss it . ’
28 You are an owl-and-lark couple , people whose biological clocks simply do n't match .
29 They strive , they refuse to countenance fear and doubt , they simply do n't recognise it .
30 It is high time Eubank put on another world-class performance , but opponents such as Gimenez simply do n't fire him up enough to produce his best .
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