Example sentences of "come to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He just would n't come to Rose Cottage again , and she would not know whether ‘ Time ’ had been the culprit , or some long ago and nameless enemy .
2 On the other side of the lake , you will come to Sudan . "
3 But what alarmed and frightened her most and had her leaping for her pen was this talk of ‘ us ’ , of Oreste and Ellen being a pair who were ‘ happy together ’ and would never come to Italy .
4 ‘ Did you come to Italy without money ? ’ he asked in surprise .
5 ‘ Why did she come to Italy ? ’
6 ‘ If I did n't , I 'd come to Italy with you .
7 Most visitors , however , will come to Palazzo Grassi to see a marvellous display of drawings by Leonardo , and they will be right to do so .
8 The interest savings over five years , it reckons , will come to $1.3 billion .
9 How will they come to faith without the word of God ?
10 ‘ So let us come to Kemp himself .
11 Yes you can go onto Mark 's , I 'll come to Mark 's
12 It would be wonderful if Peter Sebastian did come to Venice for the opening of his exhibition , though it had been suggested by the Press that he had an American fiancée , and might be staying permanently in the States .
13 That 'll come to D Y by D X.
14 Lina said , beaming , ‘ My English gets very good , Señorita Shelley , and Señorita Richards one day when she is stronger will come to Santa Barbara to meet my mother and my grandfather . ’
15 I hope that the hon. Gentleman and I manage to spend a little time in Lancashire together , and that he will come to Bath .
16 ‘ I remember , once every year , the town would explode with music when this plainchant thing would come to Wexford .
17 ‘ Then you must come to Sintra next spring and stay with me , and we shall go together , ’ her hostess declared , in a sincere statement of intent .
18 Because the mills were thriving and you would come to Galashiels and get a job right away .
19 The judge 's decision means that the case will not come to court before early 1991 , when the issues will be decided in the context of the individual cases .
20 As one officer said to Levi : ‘ If we nicked everybody we thought might have done a long-firm , we 'd never finish our paperwork , the cases might never come to court , and if they did , they 'd never have the room to try them . ’
21 They are far more likely to use their discretion when dealing with the middle-class offender , thus the middle-class offender is far less likely to actually come to court .
22 Look , Neil , I promise you that libel action will never come to court . ’
23 There were , how ever , considerable practical problems for the Central Authority in disciplining this instinct by devising measures of performance alternative to the profit yardstick , The Area Board barons liked to keep the Central Authority distant from their own fiefs , but they did come to court to bargain on the issues which had to be resolved between them ; and when they did this personal and political factors could be as important as commercial or economic ones .
24 Questions of construction may be involved on what is said in Parliament and I can not see how if the rule is modified in this way the parties ' legal advisers could properly come to court without having looked to see whether there was anything in the Hansard Report on the Bill which could assist their case .
25 Even of cases which do come to court , a very great many are not concerned with crimes at all but rather with people 's rights as employees , consumers , householders and members of local communities .
26 The applicant should therefore come to court with a future treatment plan and be prepared to explain why any other type of order under the Act , or indeed no order at all , would be inappropriate .
27 This explains why cases do not come to court when the conditions of my comically weak description of the explicit extension of our legal conventions are met , which is most of the time .
28 But she says she 's confident the case will never come to court .
29 So instead of those two , we 'd , we 'd do that first , as you 've done it and then instead of those two we 'd just write two A B. So it 'll come to A squared plus two A B plus B squared .
30 An elder brother would come to Britain , return , and be replaced by a younger brother — and so on .
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