Example sentences of "saying [that] a " in BNC.

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1 Well , I think that there is an argument of sorts for saying that a computer of the kind described does not have a theory of the external world , does not have mental states which refer , and does not therefore have thoughts in any significant sense .
2 President Houphouet Boigny , of Ivory Coast , is on record as saying that a minister who can not enrich himself is not worth his salt .
3 Nuclear disarmers are right in saying that a test ban would stop weapons builders trying out new and fancier designs .
4 From saying that a thing ought to belong to a man , that it ought to be used for his benefit , you come to saying that it actually is his , ‘ in equity ’ or ‘ in conscience ’ .
5 An editorial alleged that the Government would welcome headlines saying that a patient had died because it would swing public opinion against the unions .
6 He had once questioned her on this point , saying that a man of his age preferred younger women to be seen out with .
7 Nigel gave Margaret Dulally several other books by people he hated as well , while his editor was away , saying that a line or two on each would be enough .
8 He wrote to Viola again , saying that a spiteful florist he had once been kind to had put the card in the flowers .
9 He became ill , and eventually died from ‘ a twisted bowel ’ , which frequently is another way of saying that a horse died from psychological stress .
10 Jackson agreed , saying that a regulation only gave the illusion of application and that a directive ‘ gives national flexibility which is very necessary ’ .
11 I am not saying that a bream leader dishes out orders to his underlings in the same way that an army commander does .
12 The Trustees turned down this request , saying that a larger scheme at a later date would be preferable .
13 But to argue that an embryo is sacred is different from saying that a sperm is sacred .
14 That old smarty pants Dr Samuel Johnson was fond of saying that a woman preaching was like a dog standing on hind legs — it was not done well but it was surprising to find it done at all .
15 It was the time of suffragettes and Mr Norman McCorquodale was reported as saying that a spray of water through the hose on them would be a good thing .
16 Unless steps are taken to ‘ eliminate it from the enquiry ’ — and that must mean a diagnostic diet — then there is no sound basis for saying that a patient 's symptoms are psychosomatic .
17 It goes without saying that a beautiful piano was used for the recording , and that Haefliger communicates and obvious sense of joy in performing .
18 At a gig in Newcastle , I was reprimanded for saying that a condom smelt ‘ fishy ’ , as this was deemed to be implicitly degrading to women .
19 ‘ A year later Hugh Butterworth , chief executive of Clark Whitehill , wrote to him saying that a copy of Mr Young 's will , which included names of most of the investors , had been sent to the Revenue without Clark Whitehill 's permission . ’
20 Approaching the car I was driving , he reproved me , saying that a padre ought to know better .
21 One day I received a note from the Indian High Commissioner saying that a press cable had been delivered to him which was obviously meant for me , and he therefore sent it on .
22 F. Austin ( Leyton ) Ltd v East [ 1961 ] Crim LR 119 is authority for saying that a latent defect amounting to a dangerous condition is not a defence but would be good mitigation .
23 It may be possible , while accepting the underlying general principle , to argue against its applicability to nuclear weapons : for instance , by saying that a nuclear bomb is not a chemical weapon as such , the poison gas being a mere incidental by-product ; or to go back to the fundamental prohibition of ‘ weapons that cause unnecessary suffering ’ and argue that the suffering caused by a nuclear weapon is not disproportionate to its military effectiveness .
24 Instead of saying that a person feels a pain in his foot it might be less misleading to say that he has an in-the-foot pain .
25 This approach to visual perception illuminates the nature and generation of our own experiences , and could in principle provide theoretical grounds for saying that a bat , or a Martian , who applied i specific ( objectively definable ) structural description to an object would be more likely to experience a specific type of imagery accordingly .
26 In October Mr. Johnson , the resident surgeon and secretary of Bedford Infirmary , wrote to the guardians saying that a special meeting of the governors of the infirmary would be held to consider the exclusion of smallpox patients from the Fever Hospital ( which had been established there in 1847 ) .
27 It goes without saying that a huge range of factors play some part in shaping the course of human affairs , and there are obvious advantages in a division of labour .
28 With the COSE Common Open System Environment agreement only just signed , sources are saying that a further agreement may be only 30 days away on WOSE — the Windows Open Systems Environment — which perhaps will be based on the technology Sun Microsystems Inc has been fostering from Praxis Corp .
29 Saying that a study by the Gediman Research Group suggests that small- and medium-sized independent software vendors consider the costs of converting their software for a new architecture , and the subsequent marketing and sales expenses as potentially prohibitive to success , and Hewlett-Packard Co company has launched a new programme to ease the transition to its Precision Architecture RISC-based Unix machines .
30 Like ‘ excessive profit ’ , ‘ over-priced ’ is merely another way of saying that a market is failing .
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