Example sentences of "coming in [subord] " in BNC.

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1 But she had n't let the kidnapper in , she could swear to that because , having pressed the switch , she always put her head out to see who was coming in since there was n't a housephone .
2 Also , I mean one of the things that the Council is considering doing , I mean this interest , I know that other people from around this area come into Harlow , one of the things that the Council 's thinking about is erm , is charging , or has debated , charging different rates for people who are coming in than , than those who live here .
3 Erm , the growth in demand for people with a known disability and again is explained briefly there , and essentially means that you 've got more clients coming in than you 've got leaving because of the greater life expectancy because more are surviving at birth , and one would have to say that they are presenting more difficult problems in a health demand .
4 Now let's be honest here put yourself in their situation , the obvious thing in the storm and th the water comes crashing over , well you do n't really want to fill the boat with water so you start bailing the water out , when you realize you 're not gon na be successful cos more is coming in than you can get out and the storm is not abating , you would naturally get agitated and if for nothing else , at least you can come and help us to bail out !
5 We decided to move the chairs out to make more room , but the acceptances kept coming in so we thought we 'd open the French windows and pray for a sunny day . ’
6 The invitations to foreign races started coming in after he ran ‘ about 162 miles ’ in a 24-race in Chorley , and Zarei has made the most of them , often running ultra races consecutively and by doing so he has more than proved a point about his approach to running .
7 Capitol police bolted and locked all the windows , in case a prowler was coming in after everyone had left : no luck .
8 Det Chief Insp George Brown , who is leading the police operation , said calls were still coming in after the pictures were released to the press and shown on BBC 's Crimewatch UK .
9 I used to get them various gigs at the Marquee Club in Wardour Street and the Roundhouse , and some dates at universities throughout the country , but there was n't an awful lot coming in although I did succeed in getting him a TV appearance and the producer , who was a good friend of mine , said , ‘ I 'll not have this guy on my programme with long hair ’ . ’
10 ‘ I do n't want that busybody nurse coming in if she hears him . ’
11 ‘ Oh , I 'm not coming in if he 's there , because I 'm really frightened .
12 He 'll be coming in when the deck cargo 's cleared .
13 Yet the list of play-off records he set — .650 batting average , 13 hits , 24 total bases — fails to convey the full magnitude of his achievement , coming in as he often did at moments of unbelievable pressure , and usually delivering the vital hit .
14 I 've seen it happen to new people coming in as well .
15 There was a Dan-Air flight coming in as he crossed the asphalt lot , dropping like a gull with its undercarriage outstretched .
16 Photos and information are now coming in as promised at the Steam Engine Rally and Museum Roadshow which the BCRS attended .
17 Is that the telephone 's fault d' ya think or is that fault I mean salesman coming in as well .
18 And then I thought oh that 's Clayton coming in as well and then I thought no it is n't , he 's going out and I heard him go out .
19 And you can stop them from coming in as well if you 've got debts like , yeah .
20 He says well June must be coming in cos she had n't rang up .
21 coming in cos John
22 But it 's always better , it 's not , coming in cos then all the tourists are coming back
23 ‘ We have people working in banks coming in because their managers refuse to give them a loan .
24 But they make me die because you , you you 're a day , I mean we got this sort of letter the bailiffs were coming in because we were a day late .
25 has become an increasingly dangerous on this right hand side I have said just now they must try and stop this coming in because he is getting some magnificent balls in to the penalty area and sooner or later they 're gon na concede a goal .
26 You see , you 've got the cold air coming in because you got so many , even with double glazing you got
27 Erm the North Yorkshire County Council have made great play and we did n't know it was coming in until we got that information , upon the public consultation document .
28 that anybody 's coming in until this come from .
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