Example sentences of "coming down from " in BNC.

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1 Emerge into next field , where go forward and slightly left , passing to right of projecting corner of hedge coming down from left to take stile at corner of field into allotments .
2 For that reason , Sir Adrian looks back with gratitude on the job-rotation policy that was an integral part of basic training when he joined the family firm after coming down from Cambridge in 1952 .
3 Our pilot was said to be the best on the river , but every now and then there was a shudder as we touched a sandbank ; and there was so little water coming down from Aswan that we only squeezed through the lock at Nag Hammadi by all the passengers crowding into the bows of the Nefertari , while her crew hauled on ropes , chanting a shanty that might have been sung on the sunboats of the pharaohs .
4 As Roberto was coming down from the top of his back-swing , the spectators leaned forward on to the fencing causing a crack like thunder .
5 From this depression , the descent is continued down the Mallerstang flank , soon linking with Ais Gill coming down from Wild Boar Fell .
6 Yet cave explorers , always indefatigable in their search for holes in the ground , have discovered several apertures in the beds of the streams coming down from Barbon High Fell , many of them admitting to underground passages and caves attained only by arduous effort .
7 Incidentally , the wall coming down from Gragareth just beyond , marking the county boundary , has a stile that admits to Ireby Fell and The Cavern on the same contour .
8 By meticulous surveying and mapping over many years , exploration of the cave beyond its earliest known extremities — to connect with underground passages coming down from Gaping Gill a mile away — had been charted to within a short distance .
9 We passed like wraiths gripping our anoraks against a colder night wind coming down from the deep indigo silhouetted mountains .
10 The ‘ Glamaig Water ’ etching is in fact the Allt Daraich coming down from the corrie to the south of Glamaig and there I found one of the most reassuring sights of the Rambles .
11 One of the bulls had been bitten by a wildcat one night , on a mountain pass coming down from Dolpo .
12 Perhaps you can make another batch when we see him coming down from the moor-edge , ’ she suggested to her mother .
13 Since the entire political strategy of his Democratic Leadership Council has been to persuade white folks that the Democratic Party no longer cares for ‘ minorities ’ and will target no particular money in their direction , Clinton has been predictably low on concrete ideas , coming down from the hills after the battle to suffocate the wounded with great cushions of blather about how ‘ we ’ have ‘ refused to confront our differences ’ and ‘ for this neglect we have all paid ’ .
14 A hush of skirts had already told her the girls were coming down from upstairs .
15 Anyhow , Ludovico — ’ she laughed — ‘ these Italians all have such priceless names my dear-Ludovico is coming down from Florence with Constance .
16 I suddenly saw a burning plane coming down from the sky … with its nose pointing towards the apartment buildings .
17 The A.832 now heads south up a wooded ravine , rising pleasantly to open country , the latter section of the climb being defaced by a huge water pipe coming down from a reservoir above : a black mark for the planners and water authorities .
18 The road along the glen is a leafy avenue for four miles to Polldubh , rising hardly at all in this distance but , after crossing the river over an exuberant cascade , climbs steadily for two more miles to a large car park at its terminus , passing a long waterslide coming down from Ben Nevis , which is unseen but directly above and 4000 feet higher .
19 He had n't reckoned on one of the Liaison team coming down from Central London just to shake his hand , talk baseball results , and drive him back .
20 If people coming down from the North wearing British Coal Rugby League jumpers think they 're travelling away from home and the event is rather special , imagine the feelings of an Australian as he goes up that long concourse to the Vatican of the inflated rubber bladder .
21 He saw what seemed to be a great sheet coming down from heaven .
22 Peter saw a big sheet coming down from the sky , full of animals …
23 " Hazel , " said Speedwell suddenly , " there 's a rabbit coming down from the warren .
24 Coming down from the Col de la Pierre-Saint-Martin there is no need to drive back the way you came , through Arette , because five miles from the top you can fork off to the right and come down in sylvan splendour through the very heart of the Forêt d'lssaux , before either turning sharp left down the valley of the Lourdios and a not very good road to Issor , or carrying straight on to follow one of two better , more or less interchangeable roads back into the valley of the Aspe near Bedous .
25 Even as I write , my heart is being ‘ roasted ’ because of the pounding music beat coming down from the flat above me .
26 From his new station he could see the three lakes — Loweswater , Crummock Water and Buttermere — lined up in the valley like three barges ready to be towed down to the shore ; he could see the bivouac huts of some woodmen and he spotted more than one flock coming down from the high pastures — but Mary chided him .
27 h he 's got a , he 's coming down from Edinburgh and he wants to call in and see me about something and I do n't know what because I 've only spoken to his secretary .
28 The Macaber , the hooded , skeletal apparition , coming down from the Black Tower to dance amongst the plague-ridden townships of the Middle Ages , leading them in the dread danse macabre , forcing them to dance with him until they dropped …
29 From there they rode to Dunvegan , either more or less as the crow flies by a drovers ' trail , or coming down from Greshornish to join what is now the A850 , at a point about half-way between Portree and their destination , Dunvegan Castle .
30 Erm that erm about erm me father coming down from the top of the ah ah well , this was January the thirty first , nineteen hundred and sixteen and er me father had been up to look after the horses , pigs etc you know , and about eight o'clock he came back and said to my mother that there was a big fire out at Wensbury Me mother and all of us went up there , and er we could see these blazing buildings over there , and er mother immediately said that 's no fire , that 's the Zeppelin 's , and er that 's what it turned out to be , of course .
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