Example sentences of "necessary [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 But to arrive at that moment , he wrote , it is necessary to be patient , it is necessary to hold back , it is often necessary to do nothing .
2 To develop the pecs fully it is necessary to be aware of how much development there is already , and whether that development is well balanced .
3 Muslims soberly recognise that , in a world addicted to the logic of coercion , it is , sadly , sometimes necessary to be militant in the defence of one 's persuasion .
4 ‘ It is always necessary to be loved but not always necessary to be admired . ’
5 ‘ It is always necessary to be loved but not always necessary to be admired . ’
6 However , it was not necessary to be elusively positive about Hitler or the regime in order to escape the censor 's wrath , and it seems significant , therefore , that many letters home continued to emphasize trust in the Führer , often accompanied by outrightly Nazi sentiments .
7 Dr Klinowska said that , although it was necessary to be cautious about the findings , a combination of reflector devices and some modification of fishing gear might reduce deaths .
8 Yet the poem stands apart from the attitudes most commonly expressed in her work , and , given its obscurity , it is necessary to be cautious with respect to its specific meaning .
9 There are hardly enough hours in the day to cram in all the lesson preparation , background reading , meetings and classroom work necessary to be an effective teacher .
10 To gain the title of Nordic Champion , it is necessary to be a champion in the country of origin and also to achieve at least one certificate in each of the other countries .
11 Among the very many antimetabolites which have been investigated , only a small number have shown the combination of properties necessary to be therapeutically useful .
12 And remember , it is not necessary to be asleep in order to refresh your mind and body ; you simply need to be mentally and physically relaxed — and there are techniques you can learn to help you achieve this .
13 It seemed to me that she was embarrassed by my family bereavement and felt it was not necessary to be part of it .
14 There has to be a very clear understanding of the requirements necessary to be a supplier of a service which the customers want to buy .
15 The development of a number of root definitions and associated models will be enlightening ; however , if time is a constraint then it may be necessary to be more selective and pursue only the viewpoints that are most relevant , such as those of the main client or other influential persons , ie people whose agreement may be needed before changes can be implemented .
16 In order to demonstrate online information retrieval , it is necessary to be able to show moving images generated in the computer search , thereby creating a feeling of reality .
17 If the withholding of manifestations of parental love is used as a first measure of initial disciplining , then it must be remembered that the measure of the distress necessary to be imposed , need be very small indeed if the imposition is started early enough .
18 Six of them lent her £3,700 , secured by the Trust with interest , to pay ‘ all incumbrances absolutely necessary to be immediately discharged ’ .
19 I was told it was not necessary to be big and hefty to take part as it was often fell runners who did well , wiry types with good strong legs .
20 And having noticed that there is nothing whatever in this ‘ I think , therefore I am ’ which assures me that I say the truth , other than that I see very clearly [ je vois très clairement ] that to think it is necessary to be , I judged that I could take it as a general rule that the things which we conceive very clearly and very distinctly [ que nous concevons fort clairement et fort distinctement ] are all true …
21 To obtain a mortgage in the 1970s , it was often necessary to be able to pay a 10% or 20% deposit on the house .
22 I consider that , in order to understand the meaning of the court 's decision , it is necessary to be aware of a number of facts which are not mentioned in your article :
23 It was necessary to be both ‘ bold and prudent ’ , a phrase which played a large role in the student movement that winter .
24 Referring to these social phenomena as student ‘ crazes ’ detracts from their seriousness , but it is necessary to be aware of the different words , their translations and colloquial usage in the contemporary setting .
25 Distance was counted in new language , because it was necessary to be able to refer to the diameter of a unit as small as that of the electron that orbits the neutron in the core of the atom .
26 It is certainly necessary to be able to make cross-species extrapolations , for otherwise we should be deprived of our main source of data .
27 It is not necessary to be a veterinary surgeon to become a licensed inseminator , but training is required .
28 It seemed necessary to be able to do simple calculations .
29 It was argued that only property-owners had the economic independence necessary to be a free man .
30 Thus in order to construct a triangle of stated dimensions , it is first necessary to be able to draw a line of a particular length .
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