Example sentences of "said [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 ft was said as a joke , and Dana and I laughed , but it left me frightened .
2 The fact that one can always see what one has said as a string of words , which might be interpreted in this way or that , does not entail that whenever one says something there is an accompanying interpretation going through one 's head .
3 In some variants of reported speech where the speaker is only implicitly identified , the words may be not so much a straight transformation of what was said as a summary or paraphrase of it .
4 It was said as a joke , but if the man had seen the evil look on Fagin 's face , he might have thought the warning was a necessary one .
5 Thus the sentence ‘ The price is going up ’ can be said as a statement like this : The price is going up ( the tonic stress could equally well be on ‘ up ’ ) .
6 They will be a very few words because the prospectus has an increasingly difficult job of compressing into its allocated space all that has to be said about a University that gets bigger every year and that those of us who work in it are biased enough to think gets better every year .
7 I suppose he was your first lover , and we all know what 's said about a woman and her first lover .
8 After what he has now said about a referendum , he had better watch out .
9 It is also possible to feel , and to be told in London , that there was more to be said about the mad love than he allowed himself , or was in a position , to come up with .
10 ( There is a lot to be said about the role of other persons too , but I am leaving that out for the time being . )
11 Moreover , a closer look at individual patients provides support for what was said about the heterogeneity of groups at the start of this section .
12 Very little has been said about the boom in modern prints .
13 Whatever else may be said about the Cathedral 's architecture and its glass and its sculpture , no one would dispute the success of Ralph Beyer 's contributions , known as The Tablets of the Word and cut in Hollington stone on a grand scale .
14 He remains synonymous with Manchester United which is more than will ever be said about the principal figures in that disturbing saga of boardroom intrigue which has been occupying our attention this season .
15 Nothing was said about the good , about the thriving community work and the community centre .
16 After that scene there is little else that needs to be said about the strictures on Victorian women .
17 There is very little to say about the new Robert Zemeckis film that has n't been said about the old one .
18 She eventually articulated a philosophy which depended in large and explicit measure on repudiating what Conservatism had said about the role of the State for the past 30 years .
19 This idea that the essentials for salvation are never ‘ above reason ’ sits uneasily with what Locke has already said about the practical difficulty of working them out for oneself .
20 She tried to remember what Mrs Hollidaye had said about the many different ways of being brave .
21 It is these two rituals which will be the main focus of this essay , but before turning to their specific analysis a few more words need to be said about the general blood context and the male-female hierarchy at work within it .
22 As a clue to that significance we might first recall the way in which the laws regarding menstruation and childbirth and this new circumcision appeared at the same time in the history of the Jewish people , and remember what was earlier said about the nature — culture dichotomy and the need of culture to control or impose itself upon what it deems to be nature .
23 This account of Western Christianity in the early Middle Ages may have been rather weighted towards the political , and perhaps , given the political complexion of the discussion , it may be surprising to many readers that more has not been said about the papacy .
24 WP Whatever else can be said about the East European regimes , they clearly failed to motivate their populations .
25 Little was said about the need to tackle public debt , now running at £15,000 for every man , woman and child in Italy .
26 Some British colleagues thought it was overweight and underpowered , so after trying a right-hand drive 1.8GL version recently , I looked up with some trepidation what I had said about the car on my voting form six months ago .
27 The same can be said about the goal of family-oriented intervention and the provision of after care .
28 Hammers : Despite what we 've said about the superiority of screws for making secure fixings , a hammer is a tool no home should be without .
29 Whilst not retracting anything that has been said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person , it has to be said that interpreting certain historical events as the actions of God is the primary way in which a number of religions understand the divine nature .
30 Whatever the anti-nuclear movement might have said about the way the result was achieved , the CEGB had got the outcome it wanted .
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