Example sentences of "certainly [vb infin] some " in BNC.

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1 We can certainly make some progress towards doing so by peeling away the gender-drama from the conflicts of ideals in which it has often figured , and trying to see those conflicts in sex-neutral terms .
2 I 'm not sure we can actually make ginger bread , but , I 'm not sure we 've got any ginger but we could certainly make some biscuits is what we 've got
3 So we do have a problem to address but the I I like Mr would certainly want some explanation from the director of social services if erm the report that we have before us at the planning sub-committee is incorrect because I deal with it said it it be noted that the capacity now exists to arrange for the transfer of residents from four homes to other res residential units as part of the rationalisation programme .
4 This should certainly include some detailed attention to how mathematics might be used to expose the racist , sexist and class-ridden nature of the society in which we live .
5 ‘ Well , in that case , ’ he replied , ‘ I shall certainly need some more piccolos and probably a couple of flutes ! ’
6 It 's you making the decisions and doing the work and although I am not suggesting that you will catch twice as many pike , you will certainly catch some which a fast surface retrieve would have missed .
7 Changing any of the benefits and any of the taxes will almost certainly generate some behavioural response which will have to be guesstimated if the true original income is to be deduced .
8 if anybody can sort of if you write in English , maybe could send it to you , could get it translated at the Stortford , oh that might be very useful , erm , I mean , I 'll certainly do some letters and if anybody else wants to , if they let me know I 'll let them have the addresses for them , erm , there are fax as well and that suppose to be a quicker way than writing a letter actually than send through a fax , right , erm , if anybody can then we could send them to you and , and ask you to send it on , and we would sort of postage , would be covered would it Margaret ?
9 The new pool owner will almost certainly feel some concern for the waterlilies during the winter but , providing they are growing in a suitable depth of water , they will overwinter perfectly .
10 He might have known the Great Enchanter personally , and will almost certainly covet some of Drachenfels ' magical possessions .
11 We 'll certainly see some action . "
12 It could even all be molten if Mercury possesses a powerful source of internal heating , and this would certainly remove some of the mystery surrounding the dipole field 's origin .
13 While it would be easy to criticise the choice of material , the examples used and the emphasis , Serratosa 's book does contain some new innovations for teaching the difficult subject of the design of synthesis , and I will certainly use some of these features in my own classrooms .
14 I might well never find out where it was , but it would certainly contain some pupils whom the teacher had chosen because she thought they were bright and co-operative and others would almost certainly have been excluded because of their uncooperativeness or lower intelligence .
15 Compact will certainly enable some young people to secure better jobs than they would otherwise have done .
16 Ay , I I 've I 've said that to them I said well you might have , if I take to work you 'll certainly hear some they said tha well if that 's common usage words that 's what it has to be and words that we never use at all that are in dictionaries and nobody ever uses them , they want to know common ordinary speech words that we use .
17 I have no doubt that were he here today he would tell us that he was merely offering the hypothesis as a basis for argument ; but bearing in mind that the right hon. and learned Gentleman is the author of the words that I uttered a moment or two ago in support of the analysis of the historical nature of the government of Scotland , the Government should certainly take some account of this further straw in the wind .
18 With three major sponsors on board , and a new pavilion just completed they will certainly take some stopping , despite last weekend 's annihilation at the hands of Bath .
19 She will almost certainly have some kind of disturbance of her normal health during the early months of mourning .
20 I would certainly appreciate some clarification over the use of the CANP service .
21 It is pretty comprehensive and I shall certainly try some of my old favourites from the list .
22 IN THE 19th century , gynaecologist Robert Barnes declared : ‘ Any disease occurring in a woman will almost certainly involve some modifications in the work of her sexual system ’ .
23 Undergraduates will certainly find some interesting material , and researchers will also find enough examples to whet their appetite .
24 These three sentences will almost certainly find some robust difference beyond the initial three words that will reliably tell them apart . ’
25 We could certainly erm , we could certainly address some of your needs in that respect , but erm , not all .
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