Example sentences of "certainly [vb infin] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Now another general point which I dare n't put on the slide is that during this , the next sort of hour or so , or two hours , erm , some of you will almost certainly become insulted with the way that I talk to you .
2 Achieving this independence will often have taken many years and will certainly have involved a great deal of effort .
3 Secondly , it enables us to take account of the knowledge that , as my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State said , had Saddam Hussein not allowed his greed to overcome his stealth by invading Kuwait last year , he would almost certainly have developed a nuclear weapon by the end of 1993 .
4 By the time you get back most of the staff will have retired ; Mrs James will certainly have gone home , but Gerard will still be up until after the last guest has gone .
5 Meanwhile , the two promised divisions , which , had they been available at the right moment , would almost certainly have presented Verdun to the Germans , were still firmly held at Metz , two day 's march away .
6 Hebrew letters might , therefore , have undergone differentiation for the former group and would certainly have become involved in some associations .
7 Had he paused before taking up his pen , and listened to the ghost of Jeeves , he would certainly have heard a deprecatory cough and the chilling words : ‘ I would scarcely advocate it , sir . ’
8 And we should most certainly have heard the Gruagach if they had been following us .
9 ‘ But the quality of life would certainly have suffered , ’ said Milton .
10 In later and easier days he would certainly have studied mathematics at university , but instead left school when he was seventeen .
11 ( As for my other questions : a pot of the jam could indeed have survived until now , but would almost certainly have turned brown , unless kept completely sealed in a dry , airy , pitch-dark room . )
12 A goal at that stage , midway through the second half would certainly have ended all the arguments , but Dowie 's opener was enough to be going on with .
13 Similarly , bees learn landmarks after taking off : a recruit who arrived and fed at the feeder , but was transported back to the hive while feeding , returned without the slightest memory of the landmarks she must certainly have seen on her arrival .
14 Most travel journalists will not have been to the Giants ' Grotto , of course , but they will certainly have seen the handy paragraph in the travel company press pack .
15 Anyone with good eyesight would certainly have seen the riders , but to someone like Dame Elizabeth their presence might only be betrayed by a flash of colour .
16 It may be that he took new insignia after the subjugation of Norway , and that he left his old crown in Winchester , in much the same way that Henry II of Germany had , at his imperial coronation in 1014 , hung his former crown above the altar of St Peter 's , where Cnut would almost certainly have seen it thirteen years later .
17 Such women would almost certainly have evaded recording in any listing of " occupations " .
18 Experienced police officers told us that if a jury had seen the video they would certainly have convicted Lucy .
19 Companies should now be experiencing shorter delivery times with the absence of physical checks at the frontier but compliance costs will almost certainly have risen , in the short term at least , due to the introduction of new reporting requirements devised for collation of EC trade statistics and to combat fraud .
20 As suggested in his recent editorial by Ken Ellis of FlyPast , the huge amount of public support which has surface this year for the Vulcan and which had Parliament not been in recess would almost certainly have led to ‘ questions in the House ’ , may lead to a revision of the Official View in matters of aviation preservation .
21 A further point which suggests that these provisions , if not actually written in his reign , were in any event written not long after his death is the fact that the medrese attached to the mosque of Bayezid II in Edirne , completed in 893/1488 and of higher rank than the Sahn , would almost certainly have received some mention in any such provisions written subsequent to that date .
22 But she told the boy his offences were so serious that had he been 15 , not 14 , he 'd almost certainly have received a custodial sentence .
23 ‘ And Mrs Iverson would certainly have noticed if that had been disturbed . ’
24 They would certainly have noticed it , but there are other qualities useful to a sovereign .
25 The will also certainly have noticed the virtual exclusion of non-American business .
26 ‘ We would most certainly have noticed .
27 Nevertheless , on special occasions the Spanish authorities in America would certainly have erected large representations of the king in this manner , as objects of semi-religious devotion .
28 " She would almost certainly have lost it anyway . "
29 Assuming that all the ILP members acquiesced in the amalgamation , the new Party with less than 12,000 members would certainly have lost two of its three MPs .
30 Foreign currency and the goods it buys are very important to the USSR and events since the second oil shock will certainly have increased the Soviet economic planners ' enthusiasm for gas .
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