Example sentences of "certainly did [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Slowness is beauty ’ , which struck me as very odd in 1908 ( when I certainly did not believe it ) and has stayed with me ever since — shall we say as proof that you violated British habit ; and thought of it .
2 By and large it does not , and it certainly did not in Margaret 's case : she merely laughed all the more , and sang the taunting hymns of her new faith , about how tyrants would be put down from their thrones and the humble and the meek raised up .
3 She certainly did not , in the vast school hall , in front of two hundred other parents , in a very loud voice , need to tell the maths teacher that she was a moron and incompetent to boot .
4 Further , they certainly did not succeed in swimming against the deep tide of recession which engulfed Nigeria from 1983 onwards .
5 Since as Jack Droney put it , Brent , with its left-wing trade unionists , ‘ was a bloody good place for the Grunwick strike to happen ’ , one might expect that the union involved had given the strikers not only support but increased impetus in their struggles , but members of the strike committee certainly did not feel this to be so .
6 That has yet to be tested in public , but the evening certainly did not put her off — — she has been an ardent fan of the Welsh National Opera ever since .
7 It certainly did not diminish God or lessen His reality .
8 It certainly did not seem that way at the time .
9 The general attitude was entirely hostile to the report and we certainly did not agree that on the basis of the report the CPRS should undertake further studies .
10 I certainly did not want existing company schemes to collapse and saw no reason why this should happen .
11 The Kuwaitis certainly did not share their thinking with Sir Peter , but the message from the Gulf seems to be the same as the message from the London market — Lloyds is out of the running .
12 She certainly did not blend it with the crowd .
13 This rather uncharitable remark possibly arose out of jealousy as Miller certainly did not give all his attention to the gentry , although , as Kalm said , the aristocracy did seek his advice .
14 Blunden 's article was published in an obscure magazine , and certainly did not establish a position for Leapor in eighteenth century studies .
15 Although these proportions are not as high as many would like to see , the survey certainly did not reveal marked antagonism within society to the current developments on behalf of our mentally handicapped community .
16 Who William was , we can only surmise , but he certainly did not have the intellectual capabilities of his brothers and sisters .
17 At this Drew became disturbed and emotional , and said that , if the three people that he had previously named — the Lindos and Norman Stubbs , the stage manager — could not testify that he was at the theatre at the time of the murder , he knew of no-one else who could , but he certainly did not commit any murder , nor was he seen in Cross Street with blood on his face .
18 Alice swore that he only took tea once , and certainly did not stay overnight .
19 Vachel certainly did not .
20 Ludens was not sure about Marcus 's ability to find new people , but certainly did not mind benefiting from being an ‘ old one ’ .
21 Ludens was a historian , but certainly did not regard himself as a Jewish historian .
22 This certainly did not apply to the next great dog of influence on the British show scene : Ch.
23 Boswell certainly did not consider that it merited more than a brief mention , and was in no way put out by it .
24 She certainly did not live in the shadow of John ; she was her own person and deserved to be described as more than a widow .
25 ( Moreover , the two unsuccessful rockets certainly did not ‘ crash to the around ’ . )
26 Whitehall did not understand him , and he certainly did not understand Whitehall — That was a great pity .
27 But , says his co-worker Dr David Morgan , if Allison thought that this was due to the production of free-oxygen radicals , ‘ He certainly did not say so at the time . ’
28 This change may reflect a disillusionment with the cost-benefit approach and the realisation that while this attitude might be helpful in manufacturing industry it certainly did not work in the service industry to which most of the Highlands were exposed .
29 Petting meant doing that so no , she certainly did not want to be petted and much less to pet Edward .
30 Sampson and Clarke certainly did not see ‘ eye to eye ’ and they had the utmost contempt for each other as cricketers .
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