Example sentences of "open so that " in BNC.

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1 Once satisfied , I got a large cardboard carton and broke it open so that the development could be accurately drawn .
2 He would leave the packet open so that the desk sergeant saw they were not getting a parcel bomb .
3 The plinth at the base was used as an altar , Mass being celebrated in the open so that people too afraid to move from their houses could benefit from the service .
4 There are two basic types of swimfeeder ; the open-end which , as the name suggests , has both ends open so that you can use deadbait such as casters and seed baits inside it and block the ends with mud or groundbait .
5 Leave them open so that the remaining rabbits are able to escape , hopefully into other burrows or another section of the system where they will provide sport for another day .
6 For all that he could be expected to stay in the Lorrimores , car for at least fifteen more minutes I felt decidedly jittery , and I left the door open so that if he did come back unexpectedly I could say I was merely checking that everything was in order .
7 She could hear a loud , low-pitched door-bell , always opened the door fully , invited the patient to enter , then left the door open so that the patient turned towards the open door when giving his name .
8 ' — And left the french windows open so that he could get in again !
9 To protect the black child we need to develop strategies to enable the white family to become open so that there can be reciprocity between white and black society .
10 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
11 A. J. Swines , it said on high brown doors that were standing open so that lorries could pass in and out .
12 Her lips were open so that the cold air came gasping there like water flowing much too fast to drink .
13 Nicky 's mother 's dressing gown falling open so that Chas feels ‘ all queer ’ and Mrs Spalding allowing Chas sight of her apricot knickers .
14 Hound Tor is a deserted settlement in Manaton parish , high on the east side of Dartmoor , which was excavated some years ago and has been left open so that visitors can see it .
15 He watched Geraci walk all the way down the corridor before going back to his office , leaving the connecting door open so that if anyone came in he could see them reflected on Pertini 's portrait .
16 He watched Geraci walk all the way down the corridor before going back to his office , leaving the connecting door open so that if anyone came in he could see them reflected in Pertinis portrait .
17 You in fact , leave the matter open so that each of us as individuals do what our personal consciences tell us .
18 strip , straight them open so that , they 're like that a bit instead er
19 then they 're open so that at half nine you close them there , or at ten o'clock you close them there and you say when they come through if you 're going out that
20 Well fuck when I come back up he near had the fucking front door broke trying to get it open so that they 'd come in the front and I see the kitchen door 's closed and I just walked in and I said well John the dishes or nothing 's done if you wan na go and have a look because he would n't do them .
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