Example sentences of "idea that it " in BNC.

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1 The idea that it is happening elsewhere prevalent in our lives .
2 Was it a mania for translating bishops — represented at its oddest in the idea that it was sensible at the age of 73 to move the revered George Bell to one of these sees ?
3 He despised her looks now , so he scoffed at the idea that it could be for sex .
4 It 's the ‘ turn ’ of a particular hotel or city , or they choose it because they have a vague idea that it might be rather nice to go to Torquay next year , or even — worst of all — because ‘ We 've always had it there' !
5 The idea that it might be channelled in worthier directions , the development of team spirit and the inculcation of self-discipline , was already being ventilated .
6 If New Yorkers notice it at all , few have any idea that it is 1,500 years old , and many would be deeply shocked if they knew , reckoning that anything over 20 years old must be dirty and out of date .
7 I had the idea that it was going to be ‘ Do this , do that ’ but it was n't like that .
8 We reject the idea that it does n't matter which anti-Unionist force opposes the Tory candidate . '
9 Aided by the media , who have never failed to find an opportunity to slip in the idea that it is Saddam Hussein who wo n't negotiate , the US and its Allies have led their people into a terrifying war which will claim the lives of so many of their sons and daughters .
10 Unfortunately the single-copy fallacy , the idea that it is enough that there should be one copy of any book in existence , does have support even within the British Library itself .
11 Belle gave her sons the idea that it was capricious irresponsibility .
12 The reason that it 's able to hide that fact is the idea that it 's a creative industry .
13 Allow your children to see your own grief so that they grow up with the idea that it is a natural reaction to an unhappy situation .
14 It was his idea that it would become a model city at an initial cost of £100,000 .
15 This process abandons the old idea that it is necessary to start with a two-carbon feedstock to make the two-carbon acetic acid .
16 Until recently when I went to a conference on security in libraries and other collections I had not the slightest knowledge of the seamy side of that world or any idea that it had one .
17 It is the more-educated people who most use complementary medicine , thus helping to dispel the idea that it is ‘ unscientific ’ and used only by the uncritical ; and about 10 per cent of clients going to complementary practitioners are referred by doctors or paramedics .
18 Even if it does , the idea that it penetrates the gut wall , leaving tiny holes , is questionable .
19 The differences between these two races of wild cat support the idea that it was the African that originally gave rise to the domesticated feline .
20 If either Karen or I had had any idea that it was possible for someone to drown so quickly , we would no doubt have thrown caution to the wind and dived in .
21 Indeed , some of the film sequences we saw seemed to have no purpose or justification other than to reinforce or sell the idea that it can be highly pleasurable to inflict injury , pain or humiliation ( often in a sexual context ) on others .
22 Once it is accepted that surrogacy is unlikely to cause any serious harm , the idea that it could be used for social rather than medical reasons should lose much of the horror and condemnation with which it tends to be associated .
23 Edouard , watching her , wondered if she had any idea that it was too late .
24 But again , schooled by the incorrect idea that it is the carbohydrate foods which are the most fattening , many people will very much underestimate the number of calories in the butter-based sauce on their slice of fish , which looks like such an innocent dish .
25 I designed it pretty much around the idea that it could be used in the studio and on the road .
26 Have you ever secretly flirted with the idea that it might be rather glamorous or exciting to be widowed young , to go blind , to have cancer or AIDS , to go bankrupt , to be burgled , to be a social outcast , to go crazy , to become homeless , to be a drug addict , even to commit suicide … ?
27 They are going to give the children the idea that it is all right to change the facts to suit your way of thinking .
28 Clearly , I am focusing on the idea that it is the residues of bad experiences that lurk as bad objects in our psyche that cause us so much trouble because they have to be avoided at all costs and so rarely get modified by experience .
29 It was heartfelt and deep , but Theo should not run off with the idea that it was all laughter and light and the cooing of turtle doves .
30 The firm abandoned the idea that it could be all things to all people and decided to focus on identified areas of expertise examples are the legal profession , building societies and the construction industry — and build a reputation for quality of service by becoming pre-eminent in those fields .
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