Example sentences of "father would [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 My father would not have approved .
2 She then carried on ‘ as normal ’ , even buying dressings for her mother 's legs so her father would not know she had died , Mr Hall said .
3 My father would not even allow a radio in the house , and when I suggested getting a TV set for him and my mother he adamantly refused , saying that the wireless had been the death of good conversation , and that TV would be the death of the family .
4 As to Mrs. Leapor 's dramatic writings , it would not be overrating their merit to say that much worse plays have succeeded on the stage : yet it is probable her Unhappy Father would not have pleased in the acting .
5 Does this show that the father would not be neutral if he remained aloof from the quarrel ?
6 My father would not accept the idea .
7 My father would not touch the stuff , he said it might be poisonous .
8 Father would not know what integrity was if it sneaked up and bit his backside .
9 It was more than evident that her father would not help her .
10 His mother would never get round to reading it and he hoped fervently that his father would not either .
11 He did not talk like this with anyone else , but his father would not laugh at talk of the Holy-Place-From-Over-the-Great-Water or the Yellowlegs Who Has Lost Much .
12 He wanted to go on crusade at once , but his father would not let him .
13 " I can only treat Dr Dunstaple as I would treat any of my patients and I fear that your father would not agree to my methods .
14 Perhaps my father would not be so proud after all , she reflected , and sat in silence until the wedding carriage went under the high stone archway and into the blue-tiled courtyard of the Quinta de Santo António .
15 That year the winter was long and hard , and we knew my father would not see another spring .
16 ‘ People like my father would not agree , of course .
17 Linton wrote a long letter back , explaining that his father would not allow him to do that .
18 ‘ Your father would not approve .
19 Her father would not remember her either because she was no longer eight years old and heartbroken .
20 My father would not hear of it .
21 It was only normal but my father would not hear of it .
22 Her father would not be pleased .
23 ‘ My father would n't have given a lift to anyone .
24 With any luck my father would n't call me for the milking too early ; he generally does n't when I 've been out on patrol the night before .
25 The father would n't be able to deny it .
26 Rachel Keith would like to have gone there but her mother died and instead she went to see her father to try and effect a reconciliation , but her old father would n't let her over the door .
27 Your father would n't let me go to her when she was dying , but he could n't come between us .
28 His father would n't even notice the car , he thought , without much bitterness — too busy with his oil hunting .
29 His hat remained in the hall ; his photograph in the silver-plated frame , polished twice a week , presided over the sitting room ; his memory was invoked , especially during Peter 's teens , in sentences that began with the ominous words , ‘ I know for a fact that your father would n't have wanted you to … . ’
30 When we got home , I tried to say as much , but Father would n't listen to me .
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