Example sentences of "difficult for [det] " in BNC.

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1 The first is that , since it is difficult for each authority to make its decision within the framework of a general view of social needs and social capacity to pay , the total amount of taxation tends to be raised above what it would be in a more unified system .
2 The fining of airlines plus the fact that the nationals of many refugee-producing countries now need visas to travel to this country , has made it extremely difficult for many people wishing to apply for asylum , to reach the UK .
3 Then the children were evacuated from London in fear of air raids and that made life difficult for many Sunday schools , since the London children wanted to show the local children how tough they were .
4 It has already been pointed out that it was difficult for many part-time farmers to get time away from their jobs so adult training normally took place in the evenings and at weekends .
5 The institutions which had previously been set up to aid small farmers had their lending capacity cut considerably , making it difficult for many of the beneficiaries to find sufficient capital .
6 Producing off-the-top-of-the-head ideas ( see Creative thinking on page 41 ) is particularly difficult for many people , especially those who feel vulnerable unless they have had time to prepare their idea carefully before offering it .
7 ‘ It must be difficult for many of you to come to terms with new services , strange new songs , guitars and so on .
8 It was a difficult decision which must be much more difficult for many of our readers who have never used a computer before .
9 This result suggests that the structure itself is difficult for many pupils .
10 Timetables are difficult for many pupils because the arrangement of the information has to be understood and the relevant figures extracted before calculations on time intervals , etc. can be made .
11 These changes do reflect a recognition of the growing importance of part-time work ( which is where most of the new jobs have been created in recent years ) and a recognition that full-time work is difficult for many lone mothers to sustain , given their domestic responsibilities .
12 It is difficult for many to appreciate that it is now just an average ‘ industrialized country ’ .
13 Their growth is partly a response to the falling numbers of secondary pupils , which has made it difficult for many smaller schools to make up viable sixth form classes in less-popular A level subjects .
14 Conventional programs ( Fig. 2 ) embed the knowledge in the instructions , making it very difficult for all but a few programmers to understand the logic of the program .
15 New work patterns , such a partial shifts , mean that senior house officers are less likely to work for a single consultant and also make it more difficult for all junior doctors to attend teaching sessions at set times .
16 Dr Lomax considered that the published convergence criteria for countries to enter stage three of EMU will be difficult for all countries to meet .
17 You are making things difficult for all of us with your bitterness . ’
18 In that context , what has been particularly difficult for all of us in Scotland to deal with has been the Government 's secrecy .
19 I do not think that it will be difficult for all those present to make a contribution to the debate .
20 And Miss it 's an extremely big court with a very very high ceiling , it 's very difficult for all us to be heard .
21 The aim is to ‘ calm ’ or , apparently , slow down and make passage more difficult for all traffic on these trunk routes through a busy part of the city .
22 He does n't , you know , talk about all the hardships she 's had , and it 's been very difficult for all tho , he is absolutely straight but he still deals with her in love and compassion !
23 It made no reference to the possibility that schools for the less able might depress expectations and discourage the pupils in them , or make it difficult for such schools to attract an adequate share of available resources .
24 This is a small-scale or unofficial credit union where people group together to help each other with major purchases , though we heard that the current rate of inflation has made it difficult for such groups to attract support .
25 It then , in October , expressed its concern that a high proportion of courses in subjects other than business studies were being turned down , and it suggested that one of the reasons making it difficult for such courses to be approved might be that ‘ the Council 's present structure of honours and ordinary degrees was not so appropriate for courses in those fields ’ as in science and technology .
26 It is difficult for another application to use the hyperbase .
27 When one firm is sufficiently large it is difficult for another firm to raise the money to buy out all the first firm 's shareholders in a contested takeover bid .
28 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
29 What it is difficult for those from the West fully to grasp , is just how surreal life under state socialism has been , especially in the early fifties when the system reached a kind of apogee of dementia .
30 I fear the Tory tabloids have made it difficult for those of us anti-Leftists who consider ourselves to be of a more reflective disposition .
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