Example sentences of "gave me [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 Like a human-being it talked to me — and gave me its power …
2 I glowed when they gave me their expert c , pinion that I was in most respects ‘ a normal young man ’ .
3 With kindness and loyalty and sacrifice they gave me their support , as did all but two of my colleagues in Macmillan 's Cabinet .
4 Right now there were quite there were a few people who gave me their books There were a few people who who gave me their books but I mean Erm this was the first homework I 'd given you actually that er that I 'd you know given so I would like to see an improvement in this performance please .
5 Right now there were quite there were a few people who gave me their books There were a few people who who gave me their books but I mean Erm this was the first homework I 'd given you actually that er that I 'd you know given so I would like to see an improvement in this performance please .
6 Over the years Fred Workman and I had kept in touch and in a note with his 1973 Christmas card he had mentioned Edna 's rise to fame and fortune , and gave me her address .
7 He gave me her phone number so I went around , but did n't have the same experience .
8 It was not Diana 's day to lunch so they gave me her secluded table from which to view the proceedings .
9 PEP Guide editor Roz Barder is closer to the market than most , and she gave me her views on what to follow in 1993 .
10 She gave me her hand and I kissed it .
11 We talked and prayed to God , and she gave me her letter to her son , James .
12 Welfare Assistant with Infants class gave me her telephone number so that I can arrange to have my hair highlighted by her daughter .
13 She gave me her apologies earlier for being unable to be here for this stage of the debate .
14 about it and I did n't see her for weekend she gave me her phone number , Saturday morning I gave her a bell , said I would be walking the dog if you want to join me
15 It was n't the nuns , Harriet , who gave me my guilt , my conscience ( do you have a conscience , Harriet ? ) .
16 Marcel gave me my hands and a generation later , I gave David Bowie his wings .
17 That dog turd , so much more bitterly prosaic than any arrow , gave me my Achilles ' heel .
18 It was the prostitutes in Douai and Lille and Paris who gave me my first induction into their ways and wiles .
19 It was here that Tony gave me my ring and told me that my funghi marinati was the best he 'd ever had in spite of him getting an earful of it .
20 He was in the top three after round one , and that gave me my first taste of a possible major win .
21 And , Miss Rene ’ — she paused here and put her hand out towards the eldest of the sisters — ‘ you gave me my first book , a book of poems .
22 This extravaganza was directed by Max Reinhart and it gave me my first experience as an impresario , for I was commissioned by the MGM office for Canada to ‘ organize the promotion ’ of the film in our area .
23 Before she gave me my jab , she asked the most pertinent question that anyone had so far posed .
24 The annual camp for secondary schools Cadet Corps gave me my first holiday away from home , but I was so homesick that a fortnight seemed an impossibly long time before I could get back to my parents and family .
25 David said : ‘ Tony and George gave me my job and I was delighted .
26 ‘ The ref called me over and gave me my marching orders , ’ said Mick .
27 Then editor Ian Pye gave me my first assignment : ‘ Do the gig guide .
28 I have a card someplace and all their signatures are on it , when they gave me my dinner service [ a wedding present ] .
29 He gave me my first major engagement outside Sweden , Electra at Glyndebourne [ Idomeneo , 1951 ] .
30 Instead , he gave me my opening lesson in presentation .
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