Example sentences of "gave up [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The gang eventually gave up after a priest intervened .
2 ‘ You gave up that pipe several weeks ago .
3 I gave up because I felt insulted .
4 I tried the game years ago and gave up because I was so bad .
5 I used to be a hunt supporter , I used to be a hunt follower I gave up because I object to an attitude of a society of people that life is disposable having seen wounded fox hounds and that is the proper term having seen wounded fox hounds despatched with a revolver because they 've got a broken leg having charged full pelt across a public road and hit a motor car coming the other way and fortunately not injured the occupants of the motor car having seen the damage that a pack of hounds in full cry can do to land that they are not entitled to be upon because fox hounds ca n't read .
6 She gave up because she really did n't have the strength to fight .
7 I just feel he gave up when he got in that home .
8 But they gave up when they failed to obtain financial assistance from the British government .
9 There was no sound of a human voice enquiring for his safety ; he shouted that he was safe , but gave up when he got no re-assuring reply ; he wondered if his friends had reached safety or had been caught under the falling rock .
10 The Guard Regiment formed by Nkrumah for his protection fought the mutineers and only gave up when they threatened to kill Nkrumah 's wife and three infants .
11 Well , this was a cue for music and more sherry , and I gave up as Boy Darren wiggled his hips , and my Basil and Jan swapped dressmaking hints .
12 Got out paper and pencil to try and think through the implications of what he had just seen , then gave up and started off home .
13 She gave up and rode on .
14 After just three races the team gave up and started to work on something smaller and lighter .
15 Gifford never gave up and seemed to be making an appreciable dent on the gap , but at the winning post Foinavon was still fifteen lengths in front .
16 At the third attempt I gave up and hailed a taxi .
17 Sam gave up and stopped walking .
18 They gave up and chased after him through the thin trees .
19 The harried men tried to keep order but finally gave up and let us take over .
20 After about an hour I gave up and retired to the Met Office , very much put out .
21 Putting the ‘ corpse ’ down , she gave up and was gazing sadly at the small body when , about two minutes after its ‘ death ’ , it suddenly took a few very deep breaths and started to move about .
22 Eventually she gave up and decided to keep pigs instead .
23 Larry gave up and left the room and threw himself on to an armchair in the living-room .
24 After calling Willie several times and getting no response , he eventually gave up and tapped him on the shoulder .
25 He gave up and looked inside the case .
26 Finally he gave up and clambered out of bed .
27 Battling Leigh never gave up and were rewarded with a late try from Andy Collier , converted by Simon Baldwin .
28 After several tries she gave up and wept a pool of panicky , frustrated tears .
29 They laid Victor on the floor of their shack and prayed for him , but Victor , realising that nothing could be done just gave up and refused to eat .
30 Reed delayed filming his scenes in the hope that Brando might change his mind , but finally he gave up and quit .
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