Example sentences of "looking [adv prt] at " in BNC.

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1 In a stinging attack , Shadow Chancellor Gordon Brown mocked Mr Major 's habit of looking on at soccer and cricket matches — and said the Premier did the same when it came to the economy .
2 A gargantuan Teddy boy was standing in the stalls , looking down at his feet .
3 I remember standing at the back of The Lyceum and looking down at the crowd .
4 ‘ Marie , ’ I say , looking down at her .
5 It looks great there , standing in the middle of the square , looking down at all the people and cars and that .
6 He joined his hands and sat looking down at them , watching his thumbs circle each other like wary combatants .
7 At this point a rather anaemic looking face with a halo of rather greasy looking blonde curls , poked his head out of the window , looking down at me lying flat on my back and said , ‘ It 's me , who are you ? ’
8 Looking down at the curve of her cheekbone , still wet with tears , he suddenly wanted her , quite overwhelmingly .
9 Philip bent over the boy , looking down at him .
10 He was looking down at the pavement outside the house .
11 The two boys stood looking down at the heaps of feathers .
12 ‘ It 's all right , ’ he said , looking down at her bent back .
13 There were a few houses whose wrought-iron balconies were crammed with plants : great pots of geraniums , full and dark , the flowers looking down at me like tiny faces , intently .
14 My brother-in-law the councillor said nothing , just stood looking down at her ; and in his eyes was just the right mixture of kindliness and a sort of authority ; and something else — a twinkle , a you-and-me-having-a-little-joke-together look .
15 Jos broke off , looking down at the axe-head .
16 Kathleen Lavender started and , looking down at the spreading carpet of white beads , felt that it must be her fault .
17 ‘ Oh , I did n't think you would come , ’ she said , and laughed , not at all a confused laugh , but quiet , and at herself rather than at him , looking down at her cupped hands as she did so .
18 ‘ I have always wanted Isabel to like me , ’ she said sadly , looking down at the box , ‘ but she never has . ’
19 They both stood looking down at the poor sufferer , neither speaking .
20 The arrow tip came free and I lay on my side in frightful suffering weakness , looking down at a sharp black point sticking out from scarlet wool .
21 ‘ I 'm not sure how high we went but I remember looking down at the surf .
22 As he fed , and she sat looking down at his absorbed face and regularly pumping jaws , his eyes tight closed and his clenched fist resting lightly on her skin , she slid into the blissfully familiar peace of it , even enjoying the faint sense of shame that came with the pleasure .
23 George had come to stand beside her , also looking down at the baby .
24 The others , grouped around him , stood in silence looking down at the stricken man .
25 As he rushed onwards it lengthened and curved , until he stood at the edge of a cold volcanic cauldron , looking down at the mountain 's secret , a still , dark lake which gleamed green at the foot of the crags .
26 But I will never forget that time we both watched your father walking back and forth in front of the summerhouse , looking down at the ground as though he hoped to find some precious jewel he had dropped there . ’
27 He stood looking down at Tibbles , breathing heavily .
28 Try to avoid looking down at your feet as you do this .
29 Elaine was looking up at him , her face wide with laughter now , and he , looking down at her , said , ‘ Yes , Elaine , I know what I am : one of God 's idiots . ’
30 She was a sturdy woman , some years younger than him ; and , looking down at Agnes kneeling by the side of the young man , she said , ‘ Oh , miss , miss .
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