Example sentences of "sort of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah now that 's , that 's probably worth mentioning to Dave because I think one of the things he was talking about doing was instead of one of the tests or something making people hand in either some sort of lab book or some sort of record of the practical so far this term erm
2 He did n't want to exacerbate what he saw as an existing weakness of his own in that respect , and although he was not censorious of other people , I think he was genuinely quite frightened of it , and at one point in the Arts Lab , when there was quite a lot of speed pills , amphetamines , going around amongst the young people there , he did speak out very strongly one evening against it , saying that he personally did not want anything like that around anything he was closely involved with because he felt that it was not a good thing for people to be speeding and it created the sort of vibes that might end up causing problems .
3 It is a nonsense to inhibit that sort of synergy on the basis that together the merged units have a logically dominant position in the relatively small British market .
4 In other words we have to be able to demonstrate that we can do better by some sort of synergy in the group ; if we ca n't do that then the group is better broken up and the individual parts allowed to fly free and attract their own shareholding .
5 What sort of lifestyle/ did they present ?
6 and Arthur was erm sort of Clerk to the Library Sub committee
7 They were , however , very much more abundant 350 million years ago and their fossils are often found in the same sort of deposits that contain coelacanths .
8 But what their reaction shows is just how little awareness there was among Britain 's film executives of cinema 's artistic potential , and how little discussion had gone on about what sort of cinema British producers should develop .
9 I bet i , I mean I bet he 's the sort of cyclist and car driver that gives the rest of us a fucking bad name !
10 Her next novel , The Wedding Group ( 1968 ) is a study of a different sort of deception .
11 Wasp liberal lawyer Kevin Kline takes a short-cut and finds himself plunged into the sort of yuppie nightmare that triggered Bonfire of the Vanities .
12 A sort of boarding house where the food was ‘ wholefood ’ ?
13 If my aunts ' upbringing had prepared me for anything , it was for just this sort of agitation .
14 And in my experience , this sort of transcendence is not involved in anorexia nervosa , where the material world has to be grappled with and controlled , rather than dismissed as an ultimate unreality .
15 It might have been some sort of optician 's test thing , for all I could say , or a kids ’ puzzle .
16 I 'm quite sure that it was a sort of catalyst for him , to prove that he could do something like that . ’
17 What a sort of catalyst ?
18 Oh definitely this is sort of herb job
19 Vital patterns become distorted and lost in the sort of fragmentation and change with which Eliot 's textual studies in a battery of languages and his reading of works like Cornford 's had made him particularly familiar .
20 While this sort of requirement is a condition precedent to the contract rather than an expert clause , the status of the certificate is the same as that of an expert 's decision : see also 6.3.4 .
21 Psychogenic reactions of this type are most likely to occur in those whose symptoms are purely psychosomatic , but who prefer to think they are ‘ allergic ’ to food , because they see this as being a more respectable sort of illness .
22 Then , quite suddenly , he had some sort of illness , resigned from the Service and went to Thailand for twelve months .
23 I think she does appeal to the public schoolboy as the sort of mixture of the matron and many other things which psychiatrists could describe . ’
24 But although Tit for Tat is strictly speaking not a true ESS , it is probably fair to treat some sort of mixture of basically nice but retaliatory ‘ Tit for Tat-like ’ strategies as roughly equivalent to an ESS in practice .
25 And he recommended that most prisons should be ‘ community prisons ’ catering for a wide variety of prisoners from their locality , a prescription which does not seem readily compatible with the notion that this sort of mixture is conducive to disorder .
26 First of all , Iran could provide Israel with oil and in return Israel could , eventually , provide Iran with manufactured products , including arms , and all sort of experts .
27 What sort of landscape did such Palaeolithic ( Old Stone Age ) and later Mesolithic ( Middle Stone Age ) people find and create , and what sort of economy did they practise ?
28 Erm with this sort of landscape I always credit the type of lens which is being used , and I think a wide angle lens has been used here , because we could see there 's been a lot of interest created in the foreground , and this is what a a wide angle lens will do for you in , in , in a landscape .
29 It 's a haven for foxes , and huntsmen , made so by preserving the sort of landscape a fox likes for breeding , and for hiding .
30 It 's a haven for foxes , and huntsmen , made so by preserving the sort of landscape a fox likes for breeding , and for hiding .
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