Example sentences of "actually [v-ing] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Though like all market-place democracy , you do have the feeling that what you 're actually seeing is an impressive piece of set-building , that the real action lies below the surface , in some place where entry is rather more restricted .
2 And we 're booked up to go and see Cats in January , oh we 've quite a few and then like , there actually spooling 's quite good at organizing for er charity .
3 Therefore , if the assumption that the speaker is actually cooperating is to be preserved , some informative inference must be made .
4 However , the degree to which this is actually happening is minimal .
5 What is actually happening is that natural selection does not select for fitness understood as health and er individual health er and wellbeing , athletic ability and so on .
6 What is actually happening is that you also get a high tide on the other side of the globe as well like that .
7 then the eyes would be something you 'd also confront at the beginning but they 're equally important for the fox actually walking are n't they ?
8 The type of policy we 're actually seeking is already included in the Humberside structure plan and I see this morning that er that was circulated as D four double O seven .
9 What they are actually selling is drug tests for employees .
10 These become payable in January of each year and those actually teaching are asked to pay the appropriate fee ( £6 , £5.25 or £4. depending on ones fares between home and Quintin School ) for the four training days whether attended or not .
11 absolutely but that is n't quite the same as actually having been taken up and developed up to ninety six .
12 The only reliable way to calculate how much you are actually having is to keep a diary for a week , noting how much you drink , where you drink it and with whom .
13 ‘ They should judge him purely on his ability as a player and what they are actually saying is that their man-management techniques are n't up to scratch .
14 So what what they 're actually saying is that here is a formal training that will make sure that everybody at the , who goes on this course , comes away with a measure of having achieved those skills because th the course itself is formed of two parts .
15 actually saying is that perhaps you do n't need
16 And the rewards then would be that erm from the interviewers point of view he be you know viewed as more intelligent , self-confident , industrious all this sort of thing , make him say determined , erm more understandable to the interviewer obviously , and also the there He 's more likely to be well liked by the interviewer , and that 's Because of that not only his voice but the content of what he 's actually saying is gon na be more favourably looked upon .
17 What I 'm actually saying is , they are a very serious threat .
18 because I think er Mr 's motion is erm , similar to er Rosie 's erm except that , I mean I think what we 're actually saying is that we do actually have a number of waste planning sort of policy panel , er and this is something look , needs to be looked at in , in some detail , erm and if we just do it via a sort of straight report to the Environment Committee and I mean look at the sort of agenda we 've got today er you know how much time can we spend on the details so I mean I hope the Liberal Democrats would accept that erm yes it will obviously come to the Environment Committee eventually er but that it actually should go to the Waste Planning to the Policy panel and other bits no doubt to the Waste Disposal sort of Sub Committee for this is the policy er committee of course .
19 So I 'm not a for a moment suggesting that some rules and regulations are n't needed and I think that er the trouble is that every rule and regulation that is passed in this house , there 's always an excuse for it and there 's usually a very good reason for it , but that is the problem that the government faces and it 's quite fairly er a problem the treasury face when they introduce these statutory instruments because er no one can disagree that fraud must be stamped out , all I 'm actually saying is that unfortunately upstairs we have a deregulation bill going ahead at all pace with hundreds of clauses and hundreds of new rules to try and red hundreds of new clauses to reduce the number of rules and here we are downstairs on the floor we have passing for very good reason perhaps , more rules and regulations and there are four more tonight and I believe that every government department Madam deputy speaker , has a minister specially appointed to keep an eye on deregulation and I just wondered although er my honourable friend on the front bench mentioned that er the even the D T I minister responsible for deregulation has looked at these , I wonder if there is a minister in the treasury , they 've actually put a minister in the treasury responsible for deregulation or is the ministry actually above deregulation because I think that er I got the impression that the that every ministry would have a deregulation minister and I think it would be rather useful to know who the deregulation minister is in the treasury .
20 What he 's talking about and this is the same erm same councillor who was talking about living harmoniously side by side those that have are are buying them , those that are renting them but what he 's actually saying is well I 'm actually very , very sorry but if you have n't a job , if you have n't an income or you 're income is so low , just go over there and stay away from us decent chaps with lots of cash .
21 And I think I think the reconciliation what he 's actually saying is he has n't got time to recheck those reconciliations before this weekend 's deadline that 's what it appears to be .
22 So what I 'm actually saying is that I 'm making my objective an elephant , it 's too large i e if I wanted to eat an elephant , it 's too large an objective , but I could achieve it by what ?
23 Well no , the money has , the assessment will be paid for what , what the surveyor is actually saying is the actual recommendations and comments and that in the environmental
24 committee of actually emphasize , what Mr , Mr is actually saying is the ideas and the , the , the suggestions of this particular route will be incorporated in this report and should go before this committee and he can not give a preview of those ideas to anybody else
25 Now it 's jolly difficult to follow an argument of that time when it 's read — I appreciate that — but what I think Darwin is actually saying is this , that it 's true that vertebrates , for example — all vertebrates , from fish to ourselves — have a common pattern of a rigid rod down the middle of the back , segmented muscles either side of it , a mouth at the front , a hollow nerve chord on top , two pairs of fins or legs derived from them , but not three pairs or one pair , but two pairs and so on .
26 A third , but much cruder version in the Wisbech Museum , shows the smith working at his bench although what task he is actually performing is not clear ( fig. 14.25 ) .
27 The importance of considering the task which the subject is actually performing is made clear by the difference in results obtained from studies using different tasks during the arousal manipulation .
28 Furthermore , it is generally the case that what the Catholics were actually doing is far less important in understanding the actions of the Protestants than Protestant beliefs about what Catholics were doing .
29 But what it 's actually doing is prompting management to think .
30 Er the reason want referring because has n't commenced it 's considered er view and the last thing we want is to be in business actually doing is enclosing on St Albans and anything that St Albans does n't actually want .
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