Example sentences of "had [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 've had stick like that at away games but never from so-called fans who are supposed to be on your side .
2 Sometimes it looks as though Limpar , who has had run-ins with manager George Graham , has no future at the club .
3 It turned out that she had had palpitations in the past but had forgotten about them .
4 The goldfish is deservedly the most popular species of fish kept in garden ponds and few , if any , ponds in this country will not have had goldfish in them at some time .
5 This concept may explain why the inflammatory changes manifested in the clinical syndrome of ‘ pouchitis ’ are seen almost exclusively in patients who have had colectomy for inflammatory bowel disease rather than familial polyposis .
6 I 've had meetings with Chris Blackwell and that man is the spirit of independence . ’
7 The Palestine Liberation Organization says it 's had meetings with Israel .
8 The International Chamber of Commerce has had rules against bribery and extortion since 1977 , but most people ignore them .
9 Unless with the bridal magazine we 've had funding for one year .
10 That 's what happened to our drill you see , you 've had apprentice on it !
11 Most of the workers concerned had or would have been deemed by the courts to have had contracts of employment .
12 It helps if you have had experience over different types of cross-country jumps — like ditches and water .
13 ‘ You 've had experience as a shop assistant , so you could work in one of our shops .
14 In recent years Lord Chancellors have differed in their opinions about the value of judges having had experience as politicians .
15 They might well have had experience at second hand of Russian trade goods , and thus have resolved to pay tribute to obtain these benefits .
16 MARINE Youth will be holding trials for youngsters between the ages of 15 and 17 , who have had experience at county level .
17 Your first efforts at hearing , transcribing and producing the sounds of a new language are bound to be subjective an biased according to the languages you have previously had experience with .
18 Our educators present a personal message , each one having had experience of caring for those dying with AIDS at home .
19 People who had had experience of the National Assembly , where much the same procedures were followed , or who had picked up the style from televised broadcasts of it , were at a decided advantage .
20 I have had experience of this engine in a Range Rover , the only reliability problems being the cold starting , which the multiheater head should solve .
21 People who have had experience of caring for someone on a long-term basis stress how important it is to lay down certain ‘ house rules ’ beforehand .
22 Some teachers may specialize in certain sports , while others may have had experience of a particular instrument , such as the flute or violin , and therefore may have had similar problems as yourself .
23 Rushing Wild , successful in six out of eight points , has already had experience of Cheltenham , having sauntered away with the Foxhunters Chase last March by 25 lengths .
24 As the first stage of the project , the team is gathering real-life case histories from embers of the public who have had experience of apparently harmful plants .
25 However , only one in five had had experience of handicapped or difficult children .
26 A former tax inspector , he has had experience of power only as head of the regional government in Old Castile and Leon .
27 Many at all levels of the movement , who were too young to have had experience of the First World War , were nevertheless affected by its indirect effects .
28 With a handsome face and flowing silver hair , his appearance was eminently statesmanlike ; he was a former Governor of Texas and , unlike Reagan , he had had experience of national politics , as Nixon 's Secretary of the Treasury .
29 The family is a central institution of modern British society , at least in the sense that almost everybody has had experience of living in a family at some time in their lives .
30 The fact that everybody has had experience of family life also means that families appear as natural and inevitable ways of organizing human social life .
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