Example sentences of "face as he " in BNC.

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1 He had a Jerry can in front of him , and a large grin on his face as he remarked , ‘ Piper , I have the answer to those bloody mosquitoes ! ’
2 The grin left his face as he mentioned that he had been informed about an hour ago that his brother-in-law , who was a member of No. 4 Commando , had been killed during a German counter attack on the Commando positions .
3 She had no clarity to toss in his face as he tossed ‘ bourgeois deviation ’ and Engels in hers .
4 He was so ample that he completely filled one side of the table , and a heavenly smile suffused his round pink face as he said : ‘ My favourite of all the wines is — rose petal . ’
5 She would not realize how spectacular her deception had been until she had seen , as he had , the frenzied rage on Simon 's face , or heard , as he had , the pleasure and excitement in Simon 's face as he threatened violence .
6 She could see the look of astonishment on Simon 's face as he made the connections she wanted him to make .
7 Beyond the window , sunshine slanted through the trees to fall across Frankie 's face as he enjoyed his morning feast .
8 She seemed to stare directly into his face as he crouched in the shadows on the half-landing .
9 It must have been a strange sight in a land of Celtic war chiefs , dressed in Highland-type garb , to see the proud , aristocratic De Cuellar in fine Spanish attire , pulling a face as he sipped the O'Rourke potheen and thought of his native wine .
10 The rain fell against his face as he watched her march out into the dusk , narrow shoulders pulled resolutely back as if she were someone who knew exactly where she was going and what she thought about things .
11 Other incidents of violence during the campaign include an attack on Mr Christopher Chope , the roads minister , who was punched in the face as he canvassed in his Southampton Itchen , and the punching of Mr Owen Paterson , the Conservative candidate in Wrexham .
12 The first specks of light rain fell on Trent 's face as he looked up to see the motor yacht 's captain studying him from over the brilliantly-varnished taffrail .
13 The baby moved again , opened his eyes , and puckered his face as he pulled his hands up toward his mouth ; and Isobel smiled again as he mouthed at his fingers .
14 One night , later in their affair , O woke up in the middle of one of his long and noisy dreams and lay there for a long time looking at Boy 's face as he slept .
15 It can help if you gently stroke that side of his face as he eats : the physiotherapist will show you how to do this correctly .
16 When suffering eye tests in the darkened cubicle at the back of his shop , almost the only thing Henry ever managed to see was the pitying smile on Beamish 's face as he flashed up smaller and smaller letter sequences , all of them probably spelling ‘ You are a fat shortsighted twerp ’ !
17 Then she thought of Miss Clinton , and of her daddy and his white face as he ran to the car to chase Miss Clinton — and of poor Aunt Nellie and her scared eyes when she realised what she 'd done .
18 — I remember , & never shall forget , my father 's face as he looked upon me while I lay in the servant 's arms — so calm , and the tears stealing down his face : for I was the child of his old age .
19 He could see the relief on her face as he entered .
20 But then she remembered how they would look at each other , the tenderness in Con 's face as he gently held Una in his arms mirrored by the shining happiness in Una .
21 A sly grin crossed his face as he thought of an alternative billet in which to spend what remained of the night .
22 Later , as he rode home in the cool night air , a vision of old Bert 's delighted face as he presented him with the larger fish invaded his mind 's eye , and filled him with contentment .
23 Corbett sat impatiently throughout , his only consolation being the amusement he derived from Ranulf 's face as he ate his simple food amidst such sanctified surroundings .
24 When Mark returned with a large wooden and discovered that it floated , he looked up and a slow smile crept over his face as he said , ‘ It 's a trick ! ’
25 A ghost of a smile , without humour , flitted over Connors ' face as he slapped Delaney on the back .
26 A smile of real pleasure spread over his mean face as he caught sight of her .
27 From the wide grin on Sean 's face as he turned around to look at them , Ruth suspected that he had swerved on purpose .
28 I can still see his grinning face as he tried to chase me .
29 ‘ Every time , I just see his grinning face as he tried to chase me , ’ she said .
30 And he had to put on a brave face as he manned the tombola stall at a primary school Christmas bazaar where his children Adam , seven , and five-year-old Amber were among the revellers .
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