Example sentences of "probably [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 So Old Vic will probably make his last appearance of the year in Canada 's International Stakes at Woodbine , Toronto , on the day after Nashwan runs in the Champion .
2 He had been Chamberlain 's junior minister , and the rapid reversal of position , combined with Chamberlain 's habitual stiffness of manner , probably made his touch less sure than usual .
3 Monaco de Villa , a Milanese , who had been at Otto 's coronation , was employed in a dual role between the two courts and through him Innocent probably conveyed his conditions for accepting Otto .
4 And he was probably sticking his jaw out to compensate .
5 But he probably posted his best effort in defeat when just shaded by Cambrian in a 23-runner Newmarket handicap on his final start .
6 But stinting excessively would probably damage his reputation more than overspending .
7 His main love now , probably to preserve his energies , is coarse fishing , you will find him every weekend during the season on the shore with his rods , or cruising the Norfolk Broads and fishing round the clock .
8 Worse , the president promised on new year 's eve to implement Islamic sharia law , which will probably aggravate his war against the non-Muslim rebels of Sudan 's south .
9 Staff at Gloucester Gaol say the prisoner probably owes his life to his cell mate .
10 well he probably has his er , he 's got a
11 A good performance from Baggio today would probably guarantee his place in Vicini 's World Cup side .
12 I saw that he probably encountered his own body as worthless and warped and that he identified his body as his self , but he was wrong .
13 He 's probably turned his toes up , or moved away .
14 ‘ Mama — ’ Gratitude rushed up in him ; he realised that he had not always considered her , had taken her for granted , had consulted her in nothing ; and now she had probably saved his reason .
15 YOU MAY not have heard of serial killer and cannibal Ed Gein , but you 've probably seen his movies .
16 I feel like I 'd , I could take an axe to them oh look at that look oh dear , probably seen his mother butchered ah see that big fat body just then a pair of feet I thought it was his , did you see that ?
17 This domestic tragedy probably hastened his own death from heart disease , 25 March 1890 , in Worthing .
18 Appointed first a lieutenant-colonel , and then a lord commissioner of the Admiralty , he saw active service in the Channel during the French wars , before a stroke in 1698 put a premature end to his military career , and probably hastened his death .
19 He 's probably smoking his way through your deposit .
20 Rather than asking Cuthbert ingenuously who would succeed Ecgfrith , Aelfflaed was probably testing his loyalties .
21 he 's probably got his eye on .
22 ‘ Not a bad idea , ’ she said , ‘ considering he 's probably banged his head when he passed out .
23 He will probably set his purchasing date near , but not at , the bottom of the ‘ S ’ curve .
24 He will probably set his purchasing date near , but not at , the bottom of the ‘ S ’ curve .
25 As for Victor — you probably know his whereabouts better than we do ! ’
26 This probably exacerbated his tendency to long periods of nervous exhaustion , which caused his absence from his parish while he recovered .
27 John Bowis probably owed his 1987 victory to the gradual ‘ yuppification ’ of the constituency .
28 Scott was never a leading scientific thinker , and probably owed his election as fellow of the Royal Society in 1870 to Sabine , but he was a capable administrator .
29 Probably get his tongue stuck and all !
30 A practical lexicographer , however , would probably draw his line in a different place from ours : he might well argue that phrases such as fish and chips , bread and butter , etc. , while undoubtedly slightly opaque in the technical sense , present few problems of interpretation to speakers familiar with the normal constituent meanings of the parts , and are thus not worth listing .
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