Example sentences of "terms as [art] " in BNC.

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1 The whole question of our relations with the Americans on atomic energy questions seems to me bound up with the larger issue of the extent to which the Americans are prepared to treat us on more or less equal terms as a first-class power .
2 Traditionally , we have tended to use dolphins ' ability to understand and communicate with us on our terms as a measure of their intelligence .
3 He spent the first three terms as a non-collegiate student ( a ‘ tosher ’ ) , preparing himself for Responsions by means of three hours ' daily tuition directed towards entrance scholarships to Balliol in November and Merton in January ( which he failed to win ) , and then to Lincoln College , which he won easily in March 1898 because of the mature quality of his style and approach in the general essay paper .
4 Hitler is still today regarded there in ‘ heroic ’ terms as a ‘ great statesman ’ and ‘ significant personality ’ , whose foreign policy achieved German power and autonomy , while his failure and the loss of the war are put down to sabotage from within , and the war itself attributed not to Hitler but to the meddling of the western powers in a German-Polish conflict .
5 ‘ For example , in 1979 the equity market rose in nominal terms by 9.7 p.c. but fell by 6.5 p.c. in real terms as a result of inflation . ’
6 Col Gaddafi remained silent on the crisis , leaving his number two , Major Abdul Salam Jalloud , to denounce the sanctions in familiar terms as a Western conspiracy against the Islamic world .
7 In ‘ The Proposal ’ Leapor actually characterizes her muse in comic terms as a gossip [ see ML , 1 , 173 ] .
8 The central gap in the text is the narrative perspective ; however , by accepting the proposition that this is indeed a first-person narration , with the first person conspicuously omitted , then the novel becomes understood in psychological terms as a radical example of stream of consciousness writing .
9 What these works do , or tend to do , not so much singly , perhaps , as in series , is to set in train through the sheer repetition of their demeaning view of women , for example , or their glamorisation of crime , what is known in behaviouristic terms as a process of conditioning , the ‘ drip-drip ’ effect of popular parlance .
10 We proceeded in the manner of what 's known in film terms as a romp , though I was feeling far from rompish .
11 The Chinese cosmology based on li and ch'i goes back only to the Neo-Confucian movement of the Sung dynasty ( AD 960–1279 ) , a conceptual revolution which can itself be understood in Kuhnian terms as a response to the breakdown of an older paradigm .
12 To illustrate the problem , and explain why he saw the whole business in gladiatorial terms as a contest resulting in victory over a subdued female Nature , one that became the opposite of what it seemed , docile and yielding instead of cold and repelling , he invoked the example of Shakespeare .
13 The problem is one which can not ultimately be resolved in pedagogy but it needs to be recognized , not in negative terms as a licence either for imposing fixed ideas or for random expediency , but as a positive incentive for continuing enquiry , which will be sensitive to the circumstances of different learning/teaching situations .
14 They stated firmly : ‘ the key to equality of opportunity , to academic success and , more broadly , to participation on equal terms as a full member of society , is good command of English and the emphasis must therefore we feel be on the learning of English . ’
15 Support was evident from small business people whose firms were bankrupt , housewives who found themselves queuing for the basic necessities and civil servants and skilled workers whose salaries had fallen in real terms as a result of the inflation .
16 These morphological changes may be interpreted functionally in dietary terms as a change to a diet with hard fruit as the main constituent , and this may be related in turn to the drier and more seasonal environments they lived in , but as there was little change in their postcranial skeletons it is likely that they retained their ancestral arboreal locomotor pattern .
17 The term ‘ constitution ’ , as S E Finer shows , is to be understood in positivistic terms as a code of rules which aspire to regulate the allocation of functions , powers and duties among the various agencies and officers of government , and defines the relationships between these and the public .
18 Subsequently , however , the problem was perceived from a progressively more politicised perspective , and was ultimately understood in class terms as a violent struggle against a specific form of oppression .
19 Aragon 's response to this exhortation , as has already been noted , was similarly formulated in ethical , emotional and political terms as a conversion to ideological health .
20 His regiment 's chaplain spoke of him in the warmest terms as a man of the highest principles .
21 Dale Spender describes the tendency to refer to the male as the norm and women in pejorative terms as a ‘ rule ’ of language ; she use the term ‘ sexist syntax ’ to describe this .
22 These figures were converted into current and constant prices expressed in US dollar terms as a basis for comparison with Western aid and in order to give a more accurate picture of fluctuations .
23 A substantial essay by Thomas D. Cooke on the subject in relation to fabliau defines pornography in conventionally evaluative and political terms as a modern form of misogyny : it is a branch of art that represents or reflects aggressive male sexuality , concerned wholly with the physical aspects of sexual experience and reducing women to the status of objects of sexual actions .
24 It may be described in general terms as a duty which requires a partner to act openly , fairly and honestly in all partnership dealings and which prohibits his obtaining any private benefit at the expense of the firm .
25 An individual term may be ineffective in law ; or the terms as a whole may not have been incorporated into the contract in question .
26 However , it is also necessary to consider the overall purpose of the terms as a whole .
27 However , the business reality , which must be recognised here , is that the exchanges in the battle may be purely reflex actions : the seller will send an acknowledgment including its standard terms as a matter of course , generally without reading the terms on the buyer 's order ; indeed , in order to win the battle of forms it will generally be good practice to ensure that all orders are acknowledged in this way .
28 The drafter should therefore try to draft the terms as a whole , and individual terms , so that they are clear and comprehensible .
29 Generally all that is required is that reasonable notice should be given of the terms as a whole .
30 Obviously that 's in general terms as a matter of principle .
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