Example sentences of "ever [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 And even when I had assured myself I was on the right road , I felt compelled to stop the car a moment to take stock , as it were , I decided to step out and stretch my legs a little and when I did so , I received a stronger impression than ever of being perched on the side of a hill .
2 Mrs Pauline Rees , activities organiser at Trees Park , said Mrs Rand was as bright as ever despite being partly deaf and wheelchair-bound .
3 Three defences made him one of Britain 's most successful world champions ever before being dethroned by Wilfred Benitez in 1981 ( in a fight for which his purse was 400,000 dollars ) yet , curiously , he stayed at his terraced house in Stoke Newington , London .
4 At odds of 500-1 , Terimon became the longest-priced horse ever to be placed in the Epsom Classic .
5 The glitter of A-levels in today 's broader , more diverse , degree market is starting to tarnish , and is unlikely ever to be restored to its former glory .
6 He was too much of a nonconformist in his origins , too much of an individualist , at that time too much of an oddity , ever to be really happy in so tight-knit a community as a boarding-school .
7 Here is the very subway corridor in which , in 1980 , Lord Home , Sir Alec as was , became the most celebrated personage ever to be mugged on the Underground system .
8 Mr Solarz is unlikely ever to be president .
9 If he was ever to be an artist , he should strive for more balance .
10 If Versailles is ever to be refurnished in Sun King style , it will have to become an hotel .
11 Scarcely ever to be used in war — and as ineffective as so many of these guns were when she was — Mons Meg was nevertheless a source of pride then , and is admired to this day by visitors to Edinburgh Castle .
12 If nothing from an historic house is ever to be sold , how is the roof to be repaired ?
13 The first hole in one ever to be recorded at the fourth gave Jeff Sluman the early momentum and his 65 caught Lanny Wadkins , who has now been under par in seven consecutive rounds at Augusta .
14 If a European Union of this kind were ever to be formed , it would either introduce new tensions and resentment when countries found their policies increasingly dependent on the most powerful country , and thereby lead to the break-up of the Community ; or , if it did somehow succeed , the future union would in effect be a greater Germany , balancing uneasily between East and West , inheriting and perhaps magnifying the complexes and instabilities of post-Bismarckian Germany .
15 But even this overestimates the degree of homogeneity : some Nigerians were rich enough to escape being ‘ black ’ ; some whites were always too poor ever to be ‘ white ’ .
16 An agreeable sort of departure , a legal exit to which no legal re-entry was ever to be forthcoming .
17 There had been no census since 1932 — nor was there ever to be a census again .
18 He is a V1 winner , the highest rated German dog ever to be imported into the UK .
19 Anyone buying the house is faced with the problem of demolishing all the extensions if it is ever to be restored to its former glory .
20 On the contrary , it is time to treat religion as something strange and outside the ordinary run of life , something which , mysteriously , has had a vast effect on people , over which wars were fought and people were burned and persecuted , and which still has an effect on people ; something which can not be reduced to mere kindness at the old people 's parties or village jumble sales , but which has inspired some of the most splendid painting , writing , music , and architecture ever to be produced by the human imagination , and is still capable of producing martyrdom , cruelty , and sectarian passion .
21 This entailed that the three subjects were for ever to be treated as three separate subjects .
22 From this time , nothing was ever to be the same again .
23 Weighing 60 tons , a new transformer for South Electricity Board 's sub-station in Hindhead , was the biggest load ever to be brought into the district by road .
24 Whitelaw , concerned as ever to be the mediator , strove to find a middle way between Heseltine and those who did not want a penny extra for the cities for fear of being seen to reward rioters .
25 Your mind became numbed to everything about human beings except that they pressed close around you all the time , that they slept above or below you , that you could never turn your head without seeing some evidence of their closeness — their clothes or their books or their photographs — that they made it impossible for you ever to be alone .
26 We have gathered together the largest and most spectacular collection of Indian BANJARA embroidery ever to be shown in the UK .
27 If the lead were ever to be sold to radiation detector manufacturers it would raise more than the £24000 it has cost to salvage the hull .
28 So far as it is known , Noble has been the only born-deaf person ever to be a Freemason in Britain .
29 Unfortunately , in the year 1880 , what came to be viewed as the greatest injustice ever to be perpetrated against deaf people occurred in September when the highly-misleading International Congress of Teachers of Deaf-Mutes was convened in Milan , Italy .
30 He remains the only deaf person in Britain ever to be appointed headmaster of a deaf school by a local education authority .
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