Example sentences of "doing [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 He began doing them in the earliest days of his career down on Coenties Slip in the late Fifties ( where the drawing classes held in Fred Mitchell 's loft became legendary ) and has kept steadily at them ever since .
2 Nigel 's going to come and fit it cos he works for a company who makes and he 's doing them in every room .
3 I am doing them in a minute .
4 But you see doing them in the isolated spot
5 People who were doing nothing in particular took up the cry and chanted it down the block , like priests in some strange pagan mass :
6 If we analyse the street-comer activity of doing nothing in groups in the light of always hoping that something will happen , then the creation and the putting into effect of ‘ ideas ’ by the group can be seen as one of the most significant group experiences .
7 Not while the old man was here anyway , and he seems to spend most of his time sitting on the wall doing nothing in particular . ’
8 Otherwise there were few people about and those only men who appeared to be doing nothing in particular .
9 If we had five hundred years on earth we could say , ‘ OK , I 'll spend the first hundred years doing nothing in particular , the next hundred learning about life , the next hundred building a relationship , the next hundred working and my last hundred in leisure . ’
10 dir : Sounds like an excuse to loaf around doing nothing in particular to me .
11 The providers of training ended up playing the government 's games and giving it credibility when it was in reality doing nothing in a serious situation .
12 I have to say that each morning when I walk off platform 16 , I invariably see five or six BR employees hanging around doing nothing in particular .
13 Peter was lying back on the sofa , doing nothing in particular .
14 She said : ‘ One day I was standing here doing nothing in particular and I thought I could write a book about all that happens .
15 I think there 's still too much ‘ You do that , you do this ’ in the big record companies , but that 's bollocks too , because without the artists knowing what they 're doing nobody in the record company would have a job . ’
16 I do n't mind doing one in there
17 Tragedy is doing something in spite of the conditions .
18 However , one afternoon perhaps two weeks after our conversation in my pantry , I was doing something in the library when Miss Kenton came in and said :
19 And erm the only other outstanding sponsor from last year was Northern Rock and that has been a bit of a qu a problem because er it 's , we have n't had a closing gala event which might attract them but just recently erm Paul who as you know performed last year with his band so er well er is , had rang me and said that they are doing something in Venice and they could in fact take the boat to Hull rather than to Dover and bring it here and I 'm , so I 'm working on the assumption that we might have that .
20 I had noticed it too , and I was all the more pleased with the prospect of doing something in what was coming to be my other sphere of interest , namely , literature and especially poetry .
21 I think I think there was som some sent to Chester for example , I think they were doing something in the cathedral in Chester .
22 Oh that 's November , December can we not be doing something in those five weeks on the environment ?
23 Bingham wants to hand over to his successor a highly competent squad capable of doing something in the European Championships and the basis of it is certainly there .
24 I 'm doing something in that .
25 SIR Ron Brierley yesterday reassured shareholders in GPG , the investment vehicle where he is chairman , that ‘ we are doing everything in our power ’ to solve the impasse which has frozen London trading in the shares for 15 months .
26 Both are interested in doing everything in their power to increase production of Chlorohydra eggs .
27 It 's a comic book sort of thing , doing everything in your power to present yourselves as greater than your audience .
28 So in some way I must have passed on my fear to my children , even though I thought I was doing everything in my power to avoid doing so .
29 With so much at stake it is understandable that the Department of Trade and Industry is doing everything in its power to avoid all-out war .
30 But Ferguson informed Republic of Ireland boss Jack Charlton : ‘ Denis is doing everything in his power to get fit .
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