Example sentences of "anything [pron] had " in BNC.

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1 It was a period of risk-taking and setting horizons for growth rates which were different to anything I had experienced before .
2 I spoke with the MM who had never heard of me , never read anything I had written and never heard anything I 've said on radio , e.g. to callers on advice line phone-ins .
3 But for me , soon after the operation , there occurred something so removed from anything I had ever experienced that I have never forgotten it .
4 Then suddenly I had a phone call , which really was out of the blue because if anything I had been expecting a letter .
5 She described her working experience as ‘ worse than anything I had ever imagined ’ .
6 Feeling that anything I had to say on the subject would drive passengers to reach for the inflight discomfort receptacle , I asked my spellchecker to do it instead .
7 One reason for finding the project intriguing was that it was a large open-air commission bigger than anything I had ever done about five and a half metres square .
8 I felt I was poised on the edge of something bigger and more unknown than anything I had encountered in life , and the mystery of what was about to happen added to the attraction .
9 When , and if , I got to the 2ème Régiment Étranger des Parachutistes I hoped that my efforts during basic training would pay off , and that I could get involved , if not in a war , then in something physically and militarily more adventurous than anything I had done so far .
10 The equivalent of the high street in Passy was much smarter than anything I had seen in London .
11 My urge to enter her , to be inside her , was stronger than anything I had ever felt .
12 Stephen looked mystified as she went on , ‘ When was the last time you really listened to anything I had to say unless it was about business ?
13 It was so unlike anything I had come across before .
14 Bobby Robson comes in for just as much a mauling from Neal who wrote : ‘ His attitude to the game was different from anything I had experienced before .
15 ‘ I assure you , ’ he said with weary cynicism , ‘ I did n't see anything I had n't already seen .
16 The relationship that existed between the audience and the cast was unlike anything I had ever experienced . ’
17 At the same time , he was entering with a new singleness of purpose the creative landscape of his own mind , and sensed already that what he might achieve in the months ahead would surpass anything which had resulted from two very public years in Bristol .
18 Until then she had had absolutely no recollection of anything which had taken place in the operating theatre .
19 Probably the paper did n't even have wire service , and if it did , he 'd bet a dime that anything which had come in about the book 's author had simply been buried in the chaos then reigning in the newspaper office .
20 Indeed , political argument , policy-making and economic analysis were suffused with an increasing flow of statistical data which in range and scale was quite unlike anything which had been experienced before : to such a degree that by the end of the period under review the rate at which data were being generated exceeded , probably by a wide margin , the capacity to apply them in practical economic action .
21 ‘ The engine then answered so much better than anything which had been tried before that the same principle has been followed ever since . ’
22 Cottages dotted the waterside through the village ; and anything which had gone into the water some hours ago must , in any case , either have been brought ashore there already or long since have passed through , before the general alarm went out .
23 If you want to challenge him about anything you had better have your facts right .
24 ‘ Well , it 's just possible that anything you had from Emor might still be there .
25 I wanted to say that it was not a question of ‘ letting ’ Aunt Louise do anything ; I wanted to say I should like to see anyone trying to stop her from doing anything she had set her heart on .
26 He was a practitioner of the old school who was intrigued to be asked to treat a child named after the mother of Oedipus , but unimpressed with anything she had to say .
27 The uninhibited joining of their bodies was more glorious than anything she had imagined , and the culminating spasm which rocked and arched her body made her cry out with exquisite agony .
28 She was afraid of this savage pain , which was unlike anything she had ever known .
29 Life , from now on , was going to be quite different from anything she had ever known .
30 That , too , was on a larger scale than anything she had ever known .
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