Example sentences of "'d [be] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 Minny : one day when I 'd been gushing about her dress when she was going out to a dance .
2 He 'd been annoying the Dasses .
3 You allus had a laugh , even if you 'd been a-cryin' two minutes afore that .
4 I 've seen we 'd been firing just observa observation beams they were sixty pounder guns .
5 It was just as well Kenneth 's phone was n't engaged because , presumably , if he 'd been chatting to John Major about the situation in the Middle East , or talking to David Mellor about fun , poor old Johan would have been chucked out of the country .
6 He had n't said he was going away and renting his house , which was odd because they 'd been chatting in the village not two days before he 'd disappeared and Leo taken up residence .
7 Ven queried , as well he might , she realised , for she 'd been chatting to him like a veritable magpie all evening with not so much as a hint of shyness .
8 Cos Ange said she 'd , she 'd been chatting about Jenny to her .
9 sending their mail to erm Body Shop er , they 'd been grooming their nails because they 've heard that the Body shops , in the paper the other day erm are paying ten pounds per nail if your nail 's an inch long , you know , so you cut this talon off if it 's an inch long and they had loads and loads of them sent in envelopes or people just ringing up and asking can we send our nail , ten pound a nail and they said , where the rumour started from these people had heard that because they do n't do erm experiments on animals any more they 're using nails to do experiments , the nail polish and that
10 I 'm glad you do n't try to be what you are n't , ’ he said gravely , beckoning the waiter who 'd been leaning wearily against the door-jamb .
11 Now he was on his third circuit of the Bay : he 'd been ducking under bulldozers for almost an hour .
12 He 'd been beginning to think no one could any more .
13 She knew that I 'd have to keep Dawn in my bedroom to start with , and she 'd been beginning to have second thoughts about letting me do that .
14 She 'd been calling him often , at least a couple of times every week .
15 It was as if she 'd been calling on a dead line to an empty building .
16 After missing him during his stay in Geneva ( he 'd been presiding over Berlioz 's Benvenuto Cellini at the Grand Théâtre there ) , I finally succeeded in making contact with him in Rome , where he was conducting the orchestra of the Academia di Santa Cecilia in music by Schubert , Nino Rota and , not unexpectedly , Berlioz — the Symphonie fantastique .
17 He 'd been slashing car tyres when approached him with a hammer .
18 All the same , he wished he 'd paid a little more attention to what had gone on when he 'd been leaving the depot so that he could have spotted when they carried out that trick with the form he was supposed to have dropped .
19 I feel that though I 'd been dawdling it would n't have been so bad .
20 When Phil and I , the first time we 'd been skiing together , so that was last , not last year
21 She was still in her night things , and somehow did n't seem able to make the simplest connections in her mind ; right hand hugging her left elbow , she 'd been rocking herself gently ever since she 'd been wakened by the sounds of garage doors opening and cars being started in the mews outside her window .
22 He 'd been collecting , you know , Italian painting .
23 They 're being sold by an enthusiast who 'd been collecting the models since he was a boy .
24 Since that , we 'd been touring constantly and written about twenty-five songs .
25 To me it meant that your involvement with Jones went deeper than the superficial thing I 'd been imagining .
26 All through the short plane journey she 'd been imagining what it would be like to meet Rune again socially .
27 I had n't been thinking of stress or shock , I 'd been nursing a hangover .
28 I 'd been mucking around and none of my mates like that .
29 The whole idea that he 'd been thinking about since Christmas seemed pointless all of a sudden .
30 She 'd been thinking just that for most of the long , aching , sleepless night .
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